
She did call out the industry. She specifically called out the specially curated group of videos the industry hand selected.

Minaj’s tweet was about the praise/recognition for Swifts video, not a jab at Swift. It was about those who choose the nominees picking the video with all the thin sexy white ladies over the video with all the curvy sexy women of color. Rather than taking a step back and actually applying some critical thinking skills

There is a retweet on Nicki’s Twitter that flat out names Miley Cyrus. When you consider nicki’s other tweets, Miley’s past performances, and her win last year, I believe Nicki when she says it was NOT about Taylor. It's just that all the articles seem to be cherry picking tweets and putting them out of order to make

There was a great article somewhere on the internet that broke down the ‘slim bodies’ argument. Swift’s video wasn’t the only one who had one, Uptown Funk doesn’t even show some women’s faces, Sheehan is singling to a slim woman. The only video in the bunch that didn’t was Beyonce’s. But Beyonce’s video had no where

she did call out the industry though. also, Taylor swift greatly benifits from the industries rasicm and narrow body standards.

I would disagree with your last point. Nicki *allegedly* bought herself an ass, which flies in the face of accusations of “de-blackifying” herself. She still has her big nose (which isn’t that big in the first place). She uses her makeup better, which yay! You might have a claim with Beyonce’s *alleged* nose-job, but

Without that cloak of victimhood Taylor Swift doesn’t have a career.

First of all, this particular controversy is more about race issues than about feminism. Swift is in no way, shape or form an advocate for issues of race. I don’t think she’s ever even made a public comment on race before. Her being an advocate for feminism shouldn’t give her a blanket pass on all other social justice

Once again, discussing the way the industry shows favoritism isn’t criticizing Taylor Swift. It’s criticizing the industry showing the favoritism.

Taylor Swift is the convergence of privilege and Millennialist indulgence. She is a spoiled little rich girl who bypassed a development deal and went straight to singer-songwriter when her daddy’s hedge fund bailed out her record label. Plus she has that new fangled notion that anyone who criticizes her is a h8er and

Now playing

for real tho, every time I hear it I’m like

It wasn’t incorrect. It was irrelevant. There is a difference, even if it’s a subtle one. It’s essentially like bringing up “black on black” crime when discussing police brutality. Both are important topics, but one is not at all relevant to the conversation. Hypersexualization of Black women is a problem and the

“Tay Tay is like a very sweet, dumb golden retriever puppy when it comes to racial body politics” Umm... excuse me, am I the only one who doesn’t find being unapologetically ignorant cute? yo like even as a joke this still gives off the idea that its okay for a white girl to ignore institutionalized racism in the

Look at the white woman making it about her.... So adorable.

I checked this article just to make sure this point was covered.

Saying that women make 77% is literally forgetting that all non-white people exist. It was a great way to argue for feminist action, in the 1950s, when we only cared about white-people-wages. Now, it’s an embarrassing artifact of a type feminism we should now see as myopic. The statistic is presented with the flavor of

Feminism is and has long been for white women. That’s why few of Amy Schumer’s fans care about her racist portrayals of Latinos, she is fighting the only battle many of them care about.

Are men of color going to get a discont because they arent making a dollar to what women are making. Im getting really tired of people ignoring the race when it comes to the pay gap. Stop saying the 77cent stat unless you say white man because saying men is BS.

Can I get a 64 percent list price? I’m a black woman and it’s an even larger disparity for us. Holla at me.