
I’ll take an idiot over a calculating narcissist(Swift) any day. At least Katy has the balls to have a real opinions.

See what exactly? A lot of the content she’s produced has been inexcusably offensive, and she doubled down on her comments until she realized it would effect her brand. The fact that she’s winning an award for her work is tainted by that, and I’m not sure why it’s expected for POC to “be happy” for a person that has

I know right? A win for a white woman is a win for all women whether or not the content she creates has a negative or positive impact on people of color. This comment section is the definition of “white feminism” right now.

I’m so glad so many white people are here to make sure that no one calls Amy out on the constant racism in her acts.

I’m sorry, but if it’s so easy to find the articles, why have you still failed to provide them?

25 is not a child, and I’m getting tired of people continuing to imply that (white) women in their mid twenties are not responsible for anything they do. Taylor is an adult, she has all of the resources in the world to pursue an education, or god forbid read a book. This girl is four years older than me, so no she

The idea that implying a white person might be racist is the worst thing ever is one of the most annoying white girl gripes.

How is it a disgusting implication when that’s exactly what she had done countless times before? Down to the dating barely legal boys. Maybe she should look to her own behavior if it offends her instead of being shocked that comedians have the audacity to make fun of her very public(by her choice) relationships.

I’m sorry but at this point Taylor has used up all of her “hurt” and “targeted” chips. It’s time that the bitch grows a thicker skin, because I’m getting tired of the world at large kowtowing to her feelings.

Criticizing a racist media that elevates women like Taylor =/ Criticizing Taylor. If Taylor ay 25, with all of her “feminist” screeds cannot understand that, then I have no respect for her.

I know right. Why can’t people just shut up about every kind of discrimination except white woman discrimination.

Do black men get to pay 75 percent list price? Do black women get to pay 64% list price? What about hispanic women who make 54 cents on the dollar in comparison to white men? Why do we continue to focus on white women when it comes to the wage gap, when they come out on top in comparison to white men when it comes to

I’m not Rainey, and I think you’re racist too, if that makes things less creepy for you.

Amy Schumer again. I wish she would take her “ironic” racism, and shove it up her ass. White people making racist jokes is never funny, period. What a dumb bitch.

Could you stop with this bullshit reasoning splattered everywhere. Nobody, even Trump himself takes him seriously as a presidential candidate. His political aspirations were not why we found his comments racist. We found them racist, because they are racist. Shocking, I know.

So tired of this bullshit line of reasoning. She has made racist jokes time and time again, and and the butt of the joke is POC, not white women. Do you really think that her 95% white audience is laughing at the absurdity of racism, or the joke right in front of them.

I love when white people are here to educate us on what’s racist and not racist. Thanks so much! Us minorities would never be able to figure it out without you.

Please let’s make this about how white women’s feelings are hurt, again. God, you’re the worst, and smug about it. Please evaporate.

Just no.

Wait, Malcolm X who did a great deal for black civil right in the US is discredited because he said materialism in young women is a sign of the overall moral weakness? You seem anxious to demean black people left and right.