
It would, unless you enjoyed the actual informative programming they used to have. Oh, and Mail Call. Watching the Gunny blow shit up is just winning.

ASUS + AMD is the only way for me.

In 1865 the Aliens finally overcame the savage Bigfeet, resulting in the near total annihilation of their race. With the war won, the Aliens returned to their homewold, leaving only one reconnaissance vehicle in orbit - later to crash in Roswell, New Mexico.

Love it.

I was thinking it was identifying the lines on the basketballs.

Ceramique is definitely more viscous than AS5. It's just how it is. I just changed my CPU cooler, and my ceramique wasn't dry or overly "gummy". Plus, if you use too much, or get it on your CPU pins and other devices, nothing blows up.

Please, explain this logic.

Try increasing your memory voltages so that you enter into REM sleep earlier.

@Keltslash: I think hyperthermia could be potentially detrimental even after short amounts of time at extreme temperatures. Efforts should be made to cool down anyone who has taken ecstasy and is displaying a fever over 100f.

@Smarag: Just keep it cool, and you'll be fine. Once I started water-cooling my brain, I've been able to achieve a 20% overclock without any random BSODs or reboots.

I wonder how it sorts between the soccer balls and basket balls. Was it just a camera?

Ah, neat. Thanks for the info.

That sounds about right, actually, for physics students.

@Ret: A Christian and a Physicist? Have you ever seen those Starburst "contradiction" commercials?

*CAUTION: This man has a history of sexual assault and violence and is currently wanted in five states on pedophilia and child pornography charges. Would you still like to date him?*

@RecipeForHate: Jane Doe? Isn't she that famous actress from Law & Order: SVU?

Let me guess, since it's an Apple product, there's no way to replace it without voiding your warranty?

Little misguided about textbooks, and the retail sale of books, I'd say. However, he does strike a solid point about outsourcing. But we love our cheap technology. What can you do?