
Why not, you ask? Why not just insert forks into my orbitals?

Football AND baseball? What's next, poker and blackjack?

The guy in the fire-fighting buggy vehicle thing couldn't navigate it forward a few more yards to actually hit the area that was on fire?

I don't really know where to start with this. Obviously the fact that three children are now dead is undeniably terrible. But the fact that she felt the need to tell the world beforehand, like it's something to share, leads me to believe there's quite a bit more to this story than meets the eye.

Trust me, I agree with you about silly crimes taking up correction's space/time/money, but I think if there was a public outcry in the area, however misguided, the prosecutor had a duty to address it. It's just a shame that the outcome was that the kid was found guilty of something.

Yeah. I thought it seemed really strange that a six year old would have been diagnosed as schizophrenic.

And the only sites that 60% vists is MSN, when IE loads, and Facebook.

@Nitesh: Apple does this all the time. And people who develop software for OSX seem to be even worse: cutting support for anything but the latest release.

It's not that children are unable to display as schizophrenic, it's just that it's harder to diagnose children. It's why they don't diagnose children with APD (antisocial personality disorder). Instead they are diagnosed with conduct disorder until they are adolescents or adults and are able to be tested via the

@cupcakes: I would. Not only do you not go to jail. But we pay you not to go to jail.

@eanad: Having a mandatory foreign language classes is awesome. I hope they are starting it early in elementary school.

@StevieRayHalen: Expand upon the "do what you can" clause, please. Also, massive exodus of liberal douchebags, like myself, to Canada incoming.

@HolyCow!: We actually don't pay that much in taxes, compared to other nations or our own past tax rates. I also don't see how this is a good example of anything. It's not like state prosecutors can decide that they would rather not prosecute someone because it would "save taxpayer money".

@lewis82: by "documents" do you mean pr0n? Isn't this a little extreme?

Look at the strain on his elbow and wrist at the moment of release, and how it all just contorts after he stops controlling the movement. Scary, but amazing.

1) We give them guns.