
"and one had been diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 6"

Well, the DSM has its flaws, and if we classified all individuals according to the DSM, 95% of our population would be suffering from some sort of disorder. Unfortunately, we don't really have an alternative at this point, unless we were to utilize the ICD, which, as I understand it, isn't much better.

I'm explaining it as clearly as possible.

"The doctor explains that a 'chemical imbalance' is the cause of his problem and that the drug will correct this deficit."

Gotcha. That was actually one of my first thoughts when I watched the events unfold in Japan. I was astounded that their buildings, roads, etc., were relatively untouched for a quake of that magnitude.

You're right that we don't have a full understanding to the point where we can craft a panacea to cure any mental illness without side-effects, but we also don't have those for any other, more physical illness. The fact that we know enough to produce effective drugs, and explain their mechanisms, lends credence to

No, I mean Samsung for hardware, and HTC for build quality. Hardware meaning the physical electronic components which make up and determine the performance of the device. Build quality meaning the external components which are contacted and handled directly by the consumer (bezel, case, buttons, bumpers, general

There aren't dozens of paradigms. There are about five main schools, and probably several different variants utilizing multiple methods. Humanistic and psychoanalytic are about on the same level, regarding their purported efficacy and lack of evidence. It's not so much that there's no evidence backing up the actual

@kingdom2000: I don't think you can generalize an entire subsection of the population like that and identify a universal writing style exhibited.

The brain isn't as mysterious as you make it out to be. We understand fully how most MAOIs and SSRIs work on neurotransmission. Other drugs, such as lithium, for bipolar disorder, is slightly less understood in terms of the actual mechanism. Last time I checked, electroconvulsive therapy is still being researched

I'm not one to rag on methods that work for some people, but there is no empirical evidence in support of psychoanalytic methods. In fact, in the past, they have been known to do more harm than good (hypnotism and false memories, leading to several lawsuits against innocent individuals for sexual abuse as children,

@mullse01: They don't have building codes in NYC? World Trade Centers were built to withstand a small plane crash, you'd think they'd add some earthquake resistant structural integrity.

Yeah, I didn't think they were that different.

Hardware meaning the performance components of the phone. I find my Galaxy S running hummingbird scores much higher than similarly spec'd snapdragons. Build quality is the fit and finish of the device: weight, quality of the material, and just the general feel of the device while using it.

We still have a space program?

@DHock: Android and iOS do email just as good, if not better, than the blackberry devices I've seen. Not too sure what you're talking about.

Please tell me that by different, you don't mean Psychoanalytic.

"I don't have any legitimate points to make so I'm just going to call you a troll.."