
It's standard procedure in the US to leave the lights on and running when the police are investigating something. Nothing out of the ordinary with that. And maybe they are desperate for recruits? These two points don't really "scare" me, in a sense that your rights will be stripped.

You do realize that the onion uses sarcasm and satire to deliver messages whose meanings differ slightly from the actual content presented, correct?

@Onizuka-GTO: Freest provence. Until like 2060, when the treaty England made the PRC sign to ensure freedom expires. Then it will be lulz all around.

@baldbeaver: Let me know when you're tired of having safe food, clean water and air, an arguably competent police force, a fire brigade, roads, etc.

@reycoasdwon: I think you're missing the point. No one is saying you can't buy nice things with your hard earned money. However, if your children have nothing to eat, you should probably hold off on slapping the 22''s on your escalade, and go to the grocery store. Not the other way around.

@Brickmodder: I can't tell if you're being serious or not. Especially with this:

As terrible and tragic as this whole disaster is, the people and nation of Japan might be the world's most prepared when it comes to disasters of this type (earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear radiation). Don't take this as being cold-hearted, but if this had happened in any other nation, I can bet that casualties would

This is really depressing. Were there no safety measures in place? A simple harness could've prevented this.

Buying an album based on the jacket? Gambling is illegal in most states outside of casinos, iirc.

They don't win anything, they just cop-out of anything stating reasons to not include something. It was (is) the same with everything else: multitasking, wallpapers, widgets, etc.

@Zinger314: 30 fps is more than enough on an iPad. I'm betting on different lighting/shading.

@cmdtacos: Your stocks don't play music?

Myelinated sheath, son. No lag!


I really hope Disney isn't losing its DVD sales because their main consumer base is having sex.

So, explain your argument again? If anything I was being anti-racist.

I'm just saying he could've made the holes prior to shooting them with a paper-clip or something.

Just head on over to ca.gizmodo.com and give me a big ol' heart-click!

@philibuster: It says that this feature is only for paid customers. Is there a link to where it said GVoice peering is free as well?