
@vinod1978: I agree. Seems very unprofessional the way they are doing it.

@tomsomething: I was least impressed with the styrofoam, as it already had holes in it and it was difficult to tell if it actually did anything.

This is actually a really good idea. Just have a full-screen, pre-recorded video playing of a video-chat with someone. This wouldn't really stop someone from coming from behind and closing the lid, but a deterrent is still a deterrent!

477w (528w OC)? That's insane. Hopefully they can optimize those die in later iterations for lower power consumption.

4TB in one drive. So much more data to lose to drive failure!

If he was silly enough to admit to the intent to steal an item then yes, he would probably be charged with breaking and entering and attempted burglary. He doesn't seem stupid to me, so much as desperate. The fact that he called 911 means that he trusts the police, and is more fearful of the person he was attempting

Exposé on H.M. up next?

Then make a statement, Sam, and stop using Facebook!

Not sure what this has to do with Google at all.

Like I said, true statements should not be considered controversial. That being said, in order to be true, that statement should have read "most of the major media companies are owned by Jewish individuals."

Robbery implies that force or violence was used to steal something of value. This man could be charged with breaking and entering, depending on the way he entered the house, and at most the theft of a few gallons of water that he used to take a shower (and possibly the shampoo/soap used during the shower).

@Iowa11: "slamming the Tea Party movement as 'racist' and 'scary,'"

"next big thing after the undated Diablo III." Their game plan/development/release timeline model is beginning to irritate me.

In related news, vespene gas stock (VPNG) rose 2.3% after the celebration.

Best rain effects I've ever seen. The light bloom from the "Unreal" sign was a little much, though.

Poverty is a complex product of economic opportunities and life-choice factors which define one's socio-economic status. It, however, is not a belief system which is decided upon by the parents of a child. I would like to say that children are forced into poverty by way of being birthed by poverty-stricken parents

Forced does imply coercion, which is why I used it. Young children normally have no choice in the matter, unless they have extremely understanding or agnostic parents. We, as humans are not born believing a certain religion, we learn it after birth (mostly) based upon our parents religion/ideologies. As we age and

I'm simply making a point that public health care isn't as expensive as you believe it to be, and in fact, it would result in savings compared to our current model.