Rain Dog Awaits

I might have bought a Rorschach action figure. My family worries about me. Perhaps not unduly.

Crazy fan things? Gee that's a hard one. I've been a geek forever, so much of my stuff is crazy fan things. The stuff I still have from as a kid is crazy fan things. I still have a Han Solo action figure, all my Star Trek action figures, a few harry Potter toys. The big one that I recall is a print of Cloud City

It's slightly off-topic but your son is right, they all do look like Winston Churchill.

The south where it's generally unacceptable to punch middle aged and old lades who get handsy.

This is exactly how it comes off to me. Particularly when people follow up the comment or begin it by touching/stroking my skin. It's just creepy.

For me personally saying "I would kill for your skin." is kind of creepy. I'm pretty much the whitest looking white person ever,* and people often come up to me say things like that. I've seen Silence of the Lambs and my first thought when hearing that is, "Back away. Someone wants to make a skin suit out of me."

Hey, I hit the dismiss button accidentally on purpose. Sorry about that. I've been getting rather a bit more trolly comments thanks to a few things that I commented on. I saw the notification and my thoughts went thusly, "I made mildly boring comment of agreement with another person and left and someone sees fit

I love it so much when other people refute common fallacies, because it frees up so much of my time. Bless you.

Can I mention how much I hate it when people like this dude say stuff without any learning or you know, context.

If it could do anything to stop the conspiracy sorts from saying aliens took her, then I'm all for it. Granted it's a slim chance since that kind of person could exist in anaerobic environment.

I'm reading this whole thread, and suddenly I get why a lot of really great noirs are set there.

I swear, I own a pair very like these. I was wandering around looking at the after halloween sales and I spied pair of gloves labeled "Child's Darth Vadar Gloves." For kicks and giggles I decided to try them on and they perfectly fit my short fingers. And they looked so damn perfectly that I had to buy them.

I'm glad I could help clear up a few years of theological uncertainty.

I have seriously discussed this Firefly issue with my pastor. We have decided it's one of those pesky human free things. The world is less like a book and more like an RPG. God is a GM and we are the players. He sets up the world, and has a campaign planned, but we players make the decisions and change the game.

I got one once. I wasn't bad student, but I was far too obsessed with playing Star Trek RPGs to be a particularly amazing one. I was pretty firmly in B territory, particularly with with anything grammer related. My friend and I were called into our English Prof's lair,* and given our papers back with the assurance

It's the consent thing that no one seems to grasp.

Yeah. I thought that was a little strange myself about the hugging. I'm not a huggy person myself, so I don't know what it's like from that side of the fence and wondered if it might be normal for a hugger. Save than again he's never hugged me before.

Okay, good news thanks to you guys, I found a lovely bra and it should fit. So than you all.

I was wondering about Lane Bryant's Cacique brand if they fit true to form or no. I found some really nice playtex bras for that I'm thinking of getting. I'm not a particularly impressively boobed or plus myself, but stoes have such a random cut off on sizes that they stock. They drop about a D before they get to me.