Rain Dog Awaits

People are weird about rottweilers too. I remember being warned against playing with a rottweiler/doberman mix that was kept in a yard across from the church I went too as a kid. I kept getting in trouble because of my determination to snuggle that "dangerous dog." That dog was just the sweetest girl, who didn't get

Allow me to be the first to join this commune. I'll bring my kitties and all seasons of Star Trek shows save for Enterprise because that one sucked.

The greatest compliment I have ever, ever been given was, "You are one of the few sane people in the world." Which is pretty good because I often feel so weird, awkward, and insane, but if I'm in the minority of sane people well that might explain the feeling of weird.

Also everyone needs to stop respecting the Daily Mail just because they are British.

I was wondering about that, and maybe that why I don't fit in well with most people. My goodreads profile is updated every couple of days, and I do love my library.

It means they have a rubber forehead kink and you better be willing to go full Cardassian for them.

What about us who read comics? I must know!

People keep saying this like it's true for all cats. Mine were kittens in the great outdoors, and they never got over it. I kept them inside for three years and they hated it so much. They both went stir crazy despite all I did had a bunch of emotional behavioral problems and eventually I gave up and let them out.

OMG this is legal? I must move there immediately. I'm a southerner who is well and truly mad about the fact I can't go topless. It's summer IN THE SOUTH. We are all just trying to survive. It is beyond unfair than men can do this and women will be arrested.

I feel donkeys are often under appreciated when it comes to squeeing.

I seem to be in a constant state of loosing lipbalm but nothing else. After Christmas I bought a giftset of Burt's Bees that was on clearance and it came with a little keyring balm holder thing-y. So I put on my keyring, expecting too lose keys and balm faster than ever before. But no, it seems the two forces of the

And it's the one that gets the most airplay!

I have murderous feelings about Bob Dylan's Jokerman and Lay Lady Lay. I am also the only person in the world that hates S&G's Bridge Over Troubled Water. With Tom Waits, what songs I like depend on my mood, but the one constant that I can not abide is Semi Suite.

Jayzus, that's got to be rough.

This is why if he wanted to that he should have moved to the country. City living people expect a certain amount of normal-ish behavior from you because they have to live near you.

Mine is to a reference that I really like Tom Waits' music. I'd always just assumed that you really liked frogs/toads/marshwiggles, and with good reason since all three are delightful.

*internet hugs* I can help you look for your fish! Or something.

Oh, just I assumed you where getting after me about my self-deprecation like a bunch of others do. In retrospect, I suppose it did look like I was trolling myself.

Well, I get that, but my whole thrust in life is to not be a total a-hole to people that I've not even met. I also try not to be an a-hole to people I've met, but that's harder.

The overpriced people you don't have too worry about. If I had to guess they are probably following one Etsy's worst pieces of advise: price things higher to attract more business.