Rain Dog Awaits

I can't imagine a world in which I would give be outraged about this. I'm kind of an an angry feminist a lot of the time, and this not even irration. Maybe it's because I'm not a mommy blog follower, a mommy blogger, or even a mommy but this is stupid. Surely there are better things in the world to be mad at even on a

I wish I could talk about the reason why, but the circumstances that make me kind of have to tolerate there presence would easily identify me to the people if they came on here. Everything else is pretty common.

By the way thank you all for all the thoughtful replies. I've been waiting so patiently all week to get the chance to ask you this and you have not disappointed.

Well, there is a certain amount of snark here/once more I don't understand society I don't entirely see how they are my betters,* or even that I'm even really as they would say, "working with my hands." No one really needs jewelry, and what I do isn't actually as useful as dance, plumbing, or shoveling out the


I sort of found Wodehouse backwards. First I read Douglas Adams, and from him I discovered Terry Pratchett. Once I realized both cited this author as an influence, I figured I should check him out. That man is remarkable. He can make me read about golf and think it hilarious.

1. I'm very funny and witty. Like make men laugh funny.

It was mostly silence. We all just kind of tried awkwardly move on with conversation and ignore the gapping ignorance who was sitting in the corner.

Oh oh, I want one of those nicknames. Minor horror story time, one of these people were surprised about my name. My name is a tad old fashioned but not totally uncommon. When a certain lady blessed with money and not much brains, learned my name she blurted out loudly, "Why did your mother give you a slave name?"

That is by and large true. I've known a few older people who could give The Dowager Countess a run for her money. I once ran into the matriarch of a family in Big Lots with her shopping cart full of food. I expressed some surprise to see her in what is basically dingy warehouse,* and her reply was, "How else do you

This pretty practical. They do tend to go on about their houses in The Hamptons or Italy, and I do already cultivate a somewhat of the image of being a respectable punk badass young lady.

My situation is something of the same in that I can't avoid dealing with them. What is with these people and the exotic background? I kind of thought liberals where a little better about poor people than their conservative counterparts?

Question for the lower to middle class types. How do you deal with upper class snobs? I work both in a trade (I make and sell jewelry) and as a poor writer. I happen to be in a social situation where I have interact with my "betters," and while they are basically nice and politely liberal they are kind of snobs.

It's a contextual thing. Being part of a certain group means you are allowed to be self-deprecating. I, for instance, make Scots Are Cheap jokes a lot because that's where me and my family come from (and because I'm relentlessly, cheerfully cheap myself). Granted no one gets them because it's been forever since those

Oh dear, I was hoping they hadn't touched the male characters because of sexism. Bt nope. They've changed him too.

I like your brain so much.

I think it's a very much a knee-jerk response, in which feminists are preempting people insulting them. "Oh we aren't those kind of feminists." When people eventually connect the dots that I'm a feminist, they sometimes ask if I'm feminazi. I usually just make them feel like they are stupid with a well-placed,

I didn't expect this to ring true with as many people as it has. Might I recommend Great Clips? It is a hugely impersonal experience and it's wonderful.

Nor does the emphasis on surface elements of the religion like the hijab. I know plenty of Muslims who don't cover their heads so I don't see why this warranted more discussion than the actual parts of the Qur'an that she liked.

Yes. It makes me want to protect and snuggle you. Is it okay to be protected and snuggled by slow talking, deep voiced lady with an unidentifiable accent?*