Release date??
Release date??
Oh snap! Bethesda better watch out or this might affect the 25 people still playing this game
That’s awful.. this is the first I’m hearing of her and I dig her music.
Yup -
Couldn’t agree more! And they didn’t reap the payoff of their setups in Forsaken at all. I haven’t played in a while... but as an example, I understand you can only find out what happened to this guy (the main antagonist from Forsaken turned guardian) thru subtle hints... no actual gameplay or storylines based around…
So wait.. there’s no time limit to these videos? Is it more like Youtube then?
Thank you! My thoughts exactly
What possible difference does my vote make if I live in PA and by time we have our primary (April 28th) Biden will already be the DNC’s candidate!?
No, thank YOU
So where’s your “pointless banter”? You merely pointed out that manual transmissions are harder to find but didn’t lament your point at all.
I mean I guess Green Day has earned the chance to play whatever type of music they want... but so far this album just bores me.
This! THIS is the kind of crazy shit I want to see out of Hollywood!
My god i was just thinking the same thing! I was getting all choked up just watching the trailer! I’m not going to be able to handle this finale...
I don’t get it... there’s enough generic pop music in english here in America. Why bother with K-pop?
I’m so heartbroken by this news... I... seriously can’t believe he’s gone. Lots of my idols have died over the years but this one... hurts.
I normally can’t stand comments of simply ‘git gud’... but after watching that clip of you failing over and over, that definitely seems like just a user issue. I did not experience similar issues with the sliding at all...