
If a nazi is in distress, he is clearly not truly a member of the master race and does not deserve help.

Andrew and Fergie still spend a good deal of time together, and the scuttlebutt is that they have secretly reconciled and might even remarry after the Queen, who disapproves, dies. Don’t know if that’s even remotely true, but it’s great dish!

It’s that super efficient German engineering!

Yeah, like Harry, he was the hot younger brother. Andrew is kind of the opposite of Dorian Gray. And I don’t think time will be kind to Harry either. The Windsor Curse. Maybe the Middleton/Markle genes will help.

Maybe, maybe not. Media influences a lot of our social mores. If it was a common thing in movies during the time he was growing up for “dick pics” to be shown as a common and accepted dating practice, enthusiastically received by the women, then I’d argue he SHOULD be given a pass...

Dude knows how to suck a toe, I guess.

My question is: Did he go out and buy a new nazi flag or did he just have one lying around?

Never forget that Andrew Sullivan is literally a white supremacist; he has pushed the incredibly maligned Bell Curve theories of Charles Murray for decades, and has written numerous columns claiming that rigorous science requires people to question whether or not black people are genetically predisposed to having

I was working at an ad agency in Manhattan during the height of Mad Men’s popularity and if anything the show made agency dudes even worse. There was 100% a “boys club” of hyper-masculine straight white guys who thought they were geniuses, and these guys wanted soooooo badly to pretend they lived the ‘Mad Men’ life.

Yes, this is a patently horrible thing to say. Yes it is probably both misogynistic and misandrist AT THE SAME TIME. And yet, I will boldly go forth with my hot take. Look at this man. If a man takes four times as long to get ready as you do... he’s going to be a complete and utter ass. 100% of the time. No exceptions.

Look on the bright side, at least now the townspeople wont lash her to a seaside cliff as an offering to be a bride for the Kraken in exchange for sparing their town from total destruction for another year.

Wow - thanks for posting that. Fascinating story.

Thanks for the link, this was fascinating😀

This kid is clearly in the pocket of Big Pancake.

If they were trying to keep their underwear from getting sweaty...why even wear it? I mean I guess a bra would work even over a shirt, but the purpose of panties is to put a layer of cloth between your nether regions and whatever else you’re wearing. Putting it on over your pants...does nothing...

Based on what I see of journalism now, journalism school seems to consist of how to be first with the story at all costs, including accuracy and basic spelling/grammar.

“Yes, mixed gyms are plagued by looky-lous in the back checking out every woman’s ass,”


Wow! Very heist! Much impressed! Wow!