Rainbow TOS

I agree, and I’m glad that we agree. There is more to this story than a Manichean good/bad dichotomy.

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What do you think of what the Black Hebrew Israelites say to the Native Americans?

You’re right—there have been a bunch of articles in the fact-deprived alt-right by people trying to rationalize or even glorify bigotry and hatred.

Please fucking do. Each and every time. These shit eating racists need to hear they are wrong every single time.

Grow up.

Another perspective:

Isn’t the point supposed to be equality. Not to promote domination by the previously marginalized?

What a stupid idea. Let’s ruin our movie to attempt to piss off trolls that will never pay to see it. I’m sure everyone else will totally get the “in joke.

Seriously. Feig blew it big time. The actresses were all good. They could make a good movie. Feig though didn’t control the movie and it went out of control.

Except I continue to rewatch the original Ghostbusters every now and then, and love it every time.  It’s no more a cultural artifact than Die Hard, Princess Bride, Star Wars, etc.

I'm with you. A lot of the disappointment seems to be focused on this movie not being a traditional super hero movie (didn't we learn that with Unbreakable?) and not a traditional pt3 of a trilogy. Also having Nights name attached will always carry a stigma for people. 

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I’m sorry, are you shitting on Extreme Ghostbusters? That show was legitimately good.

Seems like Leslie Jones is trying to inflict some of the abuse she received for her reboot.

Let’s not pretend there wasn’t any sexism in regards to this movie right from the get go. Sony simply took advantage and capitalized on that. LFL did the same thing over TLJ (that had a lot to do with damage control to save Kathleen Kennedy’s job), but neither of those studios could have spun it, if the sexism hadn’t

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Mixed gender cast of teens? So, like Extreme Ghostbusters?

I think it’s manipulative comparing it to Trump just to paint it in a negative light. Her movie was universally reviled outside of the media. Sure some people liked it, and they can still watch it whenever they want. This new movie won’t change that (yes, I know that is what defenders of the movie said to those who

For the record:

She’s using the exact same arguments people were using against her version of Ghostbusters. It wasn’t a good look then and it still isn’t.

That Ghostbusters reboot was baaaddddd.