Rainbow Sherbet

I don't think the Toxic Avenger was ever X-Rated; it was released Unrated in theaters before losing about 12 minutes or so of footage for its VHS. There were a number of different, generally R-Rated edits from different companies floating out there, not to mention the TV edits that aired on places like USA's Up All

My dad bought me the R-Rated VHS (from I think Lightening Video?) when I was…oh, probably 8 or so. Granted, it was heavily edited, so I didn't get to see the full head crushing scene until I was about 11, but whoever cut that version of the film made sure to leave in the scene where a woman masturbates in a sauna over

You're thinking of Return of the Killer Tomatoes, with a pre-stardom George Clooney. That was the film that the cartoon/toys/NES game were a spin-off of, since it featured most of the same characters (Professor Gangrene, the tomato who got turned into a Valley Girl, etc) and jokey, spoofy tone.

No Combat Shock? No Mother's Day? No Student Confidential (which is INSANE)?

Stan Lee (!) does the opening narration to Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV.

What's interesting about the Toxic Avenger is how structurally, it's a complete mess of a film. A company whose previous four films were really cheap, really ugly, really stupid sex comedies decided to make a horror film (filmed as Health Club Horror) that exploited the aerobics craze and had a monster that only

It's weird, but not only do I love the aesthetic of the Toxic Avenger-this washed out, yellowed, ugly film (with weird lightening) looks like nothing I've ever seen before-but I love the horrible acting. The dialogue is putrid, and most of the actors don't really have much talent, but they all bug out their eyes,

I am shocked that the article made the inexcusable mistake of saying that during the taco restaurant fight scene, The Toxic Avenger shoves a gang member's head into a deep fat fryer. In actuality, he shoves a gang member's hands into a fryer, although this scene is only really clear in the Unrated version.

Rand Paul is Khal Drogo?!

Good point.

Hot Pie is Chris Christie!

(the actor who plays Littlefinger, Aidan Gillen, played Carcetti on the Wire; Carcetti has long been believed to have been based on O'Malley).

I will agree that this article would have been more amusing if the writer seriously tried to connect Trump "out-competing" his brothers to become the designated heir of a business empire with Ramsay having his dogs rip his step-mother and baby brother to shreds.

I am aghast that this dumb article didn't go for the obvious joke that Littlefinger is O'Malley.

Hilariously, despite using the (awful) photoshop in the above image, there is NO MENTION OF TRUMP BEING RAMSAY in the entire article. Probably because there is no way one can link Trump, his political campaign, and fucking Ramsay Bolton.

I totally rewound her entrance too!

Ludvig Borga did raise some good points about America; namely, that the environment was heavily polluted and everything smelled bad.

Is anyone still watching that Snatch Game show Ru has? Has it got any better, or is it still awful? Christ, I watched an early episode where the contestant chose as her category "Death Becomes Her" and proceeded to bomb the fuck out of practically every question thrown at her.

Of course I would forget the obvious one!

I'd throw in Adore as someone who has done very well for themselves but didn't win, although Alaska and Katya are kinda the big ones.