Rainbow Sherbet

Totally in agreement on that one. Quite frankly, I'm kinda shocked it wasn't as big of a hit (it peaked at #11 in the US), but oh well.

There are any number of ways of looking at it, but if we are to boil it down to demographics, I think the best answer is: Old people, especially old women and older black women, vote for Clinton. This group votes in greater numbers than any other demographic in the primaries/caucuses. Ergo, Clinton wins.

Mrs. Sherbert and myself have been watching The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, which was a show that, or whatever reason, I ignored back in the day. I'm shocked at how charmed I am by the show. It's deliberately ugly and gross, but it's not nearly as off putting as some reviewers made it out to be. And, god help

If Bugs Bunny taught me anything about incantations (and did he ever!), I think it was "Walla Walla Washington".

I second your pick, and would also like to add that "This Summer's…" was a naked, clear as crystal attempt at creating THE SONG OF THE SUMMER. Thank god the song was actually something of a bomb for the band, because they honestly didn't even try with that one.

It worked for Duran Duran!

They had that vaguely reggae-influenced song called "Rude".

I think that's when Magic! dominated the charts. Now there's a band that just completely disappeared.

No offense, but do you ever listen to the pop charts? Because practically every single that Maroon 5 releases is a monster, Top 40 hit.

It depends on what country it is aired in.

Why is it that it took me this long to realize that in the next couple of decades, there will be multi-million dollar films made based solely off of Internet memes?

At the local mall, there's this kiosk that sells stuffed Emoji pillows. My friend told me that during Christmas time, all the Emoji pillows were sold out, except the pile of shit Emoji, which FESTOONED the kiosk. I can't imagine the poor kid stuck working the booth, during the holiday season no less, and trying to

One of my favorite moments of the episode happened right after Robbie was eliminated and Ru is doing her usual spiel. The camera cuts to Chi Chi, who has the look of someone who is CLEARLY terrified of her possible demise, but in an almost comical way. Like, you could almost hear her say, "How the fuck can I stay this

I love the animation for the specials, but if you want to frighten the shit out of little kids, make sure that they watch Runaway Ralph, which features an ugly cat that looks like something left over from the Czech Alice movie.

Consumers want to blame outside forces for causing the problem, because it's easier to fix, so to speak. If consumers directed the issue at themselves, it would be harder to resolve. So the solution is to tell the ones in charge to change. And they will, because we'll buy it, but it doesn't change who we are or,

Part of the issue lies in the concept of shaming, which, ultimately, has a much to do with the person being shamed as it does with the person (or entity) doing the shaming. It's easy, in many ways, to point to countless examples of commercial art (designed, at the end of the day, to make money, whatever other merit(s)

Saved by the Bell: The Gender Fluid Years

I saw some sort of backyard death match where they used a weedwhacker (!!) as a weapon.

I have to admit, I enjoyed Yakov's joke that Concrete was the Soviet Union's state flower.

Million likes for the Poison reference