Rainbow Sherbet

If memory serves me, Snoop Dogg also hosted the Girls Gone Wild/WWE Divas PPV special, which, sadly, was nowhere near as sleazy as it could have been.

Cobra can't be communist. As revealed in the movie, Cobra is actually a front for a centuries old race of snake/insect men that utilize highly advanced bio-technology and lives in the Himalayas, patiently awaiting the time to strike and transform humanity into non-mammalian creatures.

Who could forget the episode where Cobra attempted to bring electricity to rural areas, or the time they temporarily allowed farmers to sell surplus crops on legally tolerated black markets?

Zartanna reminded me of Trash from Return of the Living Dead, and she stripped in the GI Joe: The Movie, so yeah, she was pretty hot.

Shyamalan still hasn't answered my question: Will the new version still convince 12 year old me to stay up late in the hopes of seeing at least one pair of tits?

Worst Horror Anthology Show? Monsters was really awful and CHEAP. It made Tales from the Darkside look like Lawrence of Arabia.

Where does Amazing Stories fall into this? Surely you did not forget the utter terror that was FAMILY DOG?!?

Only if we bring back Perversions of Science. Come on, that name is too good to throw away!

It had a super catchy theme song

Even Dirty Duck?!

Remember the part when the Fat Kid kicked Killer Croc in the nards, and then exclaimed, "Killer Croc's got nards!", and then Killer Croc ate Fat Kid's face? Memories.

I can't imagine how children felt watching Baron Harkonnen, an obese, floating, spit spewing, sore ridden, pus filled homosexual predator, who gets his skin lanced and who rips out a slave's heartplug (in a very erotic-horror moment). Actually, if there's a god, then at least one kid saw that scene, turned to their

Stan Hansen had one of my favorite lines from a wrestling promo. "I'm not doing it for the money or the women. Hell, I got a big fat wife and 9 kids back home, and I've got to feed them!"

Sunday Morning now, Sunday Morning today, Sunday Morning forever

I'm kinda hoping that one day, they'll put in the Jumping Bomb Angels.

They should have just inducted Dok Hendrix.

Not just an All-American. The All-American American! Which is such a stupid nickname it almost comes back around to being clever. Almost.

The whole Freebird induction is kinda weird, because technically, the big three are Roberts, Hayes, and Gordy, and two of those guys are fucking dead. So they shoe horn in Jimmy Garvin, who was initially more of an ally of the Freebirds until finally becoming a member in the 90s. That's kinda like inducting the Road

Since it seems likely that, going forward, one Diva will be inducted each year, that means that Ivory, Molly Holly, and Victoria will all eventually get in (I'm in total agreement with you on that order). Hilariously, as the years roll on and the amount of Divas dwindles, I hope this means that they'll start inducting

With the wonderfully named Odlaw, the Wario of the Waldo universe.