Rainbow Sherbet

My only hope is that the villain really shows off how evil he is by punching out a dad for the crime of buying a toy train set

You know what I like about Lucha Underground (well, besides Son of Havoc)? It's the way the storytelling is such that everyone, regardless of whatever angle they're involved in, wants to be the champion. Everybody is gunning for Mil Muertes; everything else is just a temporary hurdle to what they are pursuing. That

The Miz with Ryback is a great pick, btw.

You really have to see Braun Strowman in person to understand just how BIG he is.

My favorite moment from the Sexual Chocolate gimmick came on Valentine's Day, when Mark Henry took the ancient Mae Young to a hotel to fuck. While Henry, lip smacking and looking like a kid in a candy store, leads Young into a room, Jerry Lawler, in the most disgusted voice imaginable, says, "Happy Valentine's Day

I'm not saying that they phoned it in tonight, but the main event was like a stock main event from Smackdown

(gets on middle rope to celebrate, somehow gets entangled, is legdropped by cruiserweight).

What, the Usos don't have personalities? They're fun loving!

This has been said before, but Cueto is such a great evil owner/authority figure.

Ambrose has a pretty good look, can talk, and at least can do facials, which is more than can be said about most of the roster. But you're right, the guy fucking sucks in the ring. He's got an ugly finisher, mostly throws (not very good) punches and kicks, and that rebound clothesline of his that is so contrived he

Complaining about WWE's storytelling is old hat these days, but this one really bugs me.

(Checks vomit, sees blood)

Great point Meth Lab!

Percentage wise, how would you break down Macklemore fans? My guess: 40% children, 10% "It's on the radio and I hate changing the station", and maybe 50% "I really love his message! Right on!" (goes back to doing anything else).

Wild guess: These people are probably not listening to Danny Brown.

I asked a gay friend of mine what he would do if he went to a gay wedding and they played "Same Love". He replied, "Burn it all"

Strange but True: Somewhere, someone will fuck to this song.

I'm glad to meet another one, although my love for V was for the wide variety of goofy characters getting butchered.

This Everclear is kicking my ass!

Oh, I remember Buzzkill, although it felt like it was barely around that long. Apart from being really bush league and hokey, it was incredibly half assed, with barely any effort involved. It's like Russo thought, "Hey, Brad Armstrong needs a gimmick and I only have 5 minutes to come up with one. I got it! Just rip