Rainbow Sherbet

Just cringe after cringe after cringe, although I got a laugh out of Joker Sting using a guard bird on Eric Bischoff

Check out this video, which features Cowabunga the Ninja Turtle watching tv with Splinter.

You're totally right about the bonkers Memphis territory. Check out Boy Tony, a Boy George (!!) ripoff.

Counterpoint Counterpoint: He had a dwarf sidekick named Dink, given to him by Santa Claus (!).

Whenever Doink came out, my dad would bust a gut every time that Bobby Heenan would yell, "LOOK AT THOSE EYES! LOOK AT THOSE EYES!"

During a promo for Survivor Series 1989:

Yeah, the Gooker was meant to be a live action mascot who would make annual appearances. Weirdly, he periodically appears around Survivor Series (in a completely different costume), mostly to be get made fun of in an ironic fashion.

What's "great" is the whole "Billy and Chuck get married" angle was actually dug up from the mouth balls, as originally Too Cool (back when they were known as Too Much and were vaguely homoerotic pricks) were going to get married, but injuries/gimmick changes prevented that one from coming up. But apparently the idea

There was even a Boy George (!!!) character from Memphis named Boy Tony.

Apparently the Akeem gimmick was given to the One Man Gang as a.) punishment for asking for time off (Vince is not exactly an understanding boss) and b.) to make fun of Dusty Rhodes (a fat white guy who talked like a black man).

As raised by OSW review, were fans supposed to assume that the airbrushed muscle suit on Giant Gonzalez was his actual skin and muscles, or were we to just assume that it was a suit that he liked wearing?

I'm a big "fan" of wrestling gimmicks that are ripoffs of already well established (or currently hot) pop culture trends. The well isn't as deep for this one, since pro wrestling is rarely feeling the pulse of pop culture, but we did get some great stuff like:

Fun Fact: Vince came up with the IRS gimmick because he was audited by the IRS at the time.

Goldust is a fascinating character. If WWE had a sense of decorum or even the ability to write complex characters, there's a lot one could have done with the gimmick. A film fanatic, constantly quoting films, who bears a resemblance to a giant Academy Award, and who happens to be sexual amorphous. Is Goldust really

Repo Man was so comically over the top that you had to love him. Granted, it was just Darsow doing a Riddler imitation, but he threw himself into the role.

It wasn't Mr. Fuji that tried to chop of Val Venis' "pee-pee". It was Yamaguchi-San, the manager of Kai En Tai, and it was payback for Venis having sex with Yamaguchi-San's wife.

Complete with hoary (but still funny) punchline, "Tastes like chicken!"

Actually, the best part of the bad gimmicks is their fake hometowns. Consider the following:

Complete with Silly String attack!

Irwin R. Schyster: "Everybody in this arena is a tax cheat! And don't forget to pay your taxes!"
Crowd: BOO!!!