Rainbow Sherbet

I imagine Russo cried tears of blood once he realized that he didn't even exhaust all the beaver puns that he had in store for the character.

I LOVED Jim Ross's commentary during the first Ding Dong match, where he says, "The Ding Dongs are ringing those bells. Well, they are from Belleville."

Johnny B. Badd was so ridiculous that I kinda love it. He was armed with a confetti gun called the Badd Blaster, his finisher was called the Tutti-Frutti (!), and he once said, "I'm so pretty, I should have been born a little girl!" Ok, he was ripping off Muhammad Ali with that one, but still, good line.

What really sold the Kamala gimmick to me, especially as a kid, was the paintjob on his belly.

Weirdly, my Toys R Us never put out a demo copy of Donkey Kong Country, but they kept Super Mario World 2 out there for what seemed like a year.

Plus commentary from three super fans! Incredibly informative stuff.

I can just see the writers brainstorming potential gimmicks for some jobbers, and one of them suddenly bolts up and yells, "I got it! They're on social media, so they're…social outcasts!" And then everyone gives each other high fives and Stephanie McMahon nods approvingly, because they managed to get in the requisite

Yeah, Paige seems to be the diva that the marks really like, but who knows with these things?

As much as I like to think that the vote is sweetened, have we ever considered that fact that the majority of wrestling fans are probably very young and very, very stupid?

I "loved" when WWE would have non WWE wrestlers nominated, like "Best Tattoo" and they have Tommy Lee and Drew Barrymore up for the award.

Got to love Neville winning Breakout Star and then getting jobbed out later in that night. I would say this indicates that WWE didn't know that he was going to win, but given the company's track recording in doing stupid shit, all bets are off.

The battle for best animated program is really heating up. Dr. Katz had a great season, but I think this is Duckman's year.

Hooray! I hope this means that we'll get more of Beth Stern stopping by to plug her charity work and hosting gigs!

Of course it's his hair! He let Piers Morgan tug on one of the bangs!

God, Billy West. His Marge Schott made me lose it, especially how he just gave her a Boston accent.

My posting for what I think was the best this year is below (surprised no one has shown much love for Calvin Harris and Haim's Pray to God, which was GREAT), but two songs are worth mentioning here. "Trap Queen" by Fetty Wap and "The Hills" by The Weeknd are both catchy songs that (deservedly) did very well on the

Great pick!

When I ever hear this song, I'm immediately reminded of the Wii Shop Channel song. Not that this is a problem mind you.

"Flesh Without Blood" is only lacking a real punchy or hooky chorus to really be great (someone suggested that it needed a guitar solo, which I won't disagree with). Still, one of the best of the year!

I don't particularly love Bieber, but I bare him no grudge when it comes to his current output. He's doing very well right now-he's had a number one hit (What Do You Mean?) and his other songs from that album are doing quite well (Sorry is at #2 on the charts right now, only stopped by the juggernaut that is Adele).