Rainbow Sherbet

This is what I've waited all year for.

I think it was the Sting-Vampiro that survived the reset, as Raven was long gone by that point.

I think she was busy Animorphing into an orange.

Part of me kinda wants Reigns to just start quoting all the Looney Toons. "Keep your eye on the ball Ambrose. Eyeball. That's the joke son!"

Look, I'm not saying that they should just blatantly copy Lucha Underground here, but I am saying that they should blatantly copy Lucha Underground here.

Yeah, I was waiting for the big reveal, like Kevin Federline from a previous year's post, but nope, it just ended with White Snake.

This has been mentioned before, but why isn't he just The Lunatic Dean Ambrose? The Lunatic Fringe would be his fanbase.

What is with this company and the faces being really into food as weaponry, both of the physical and verbal variety?

There's a lot of wrestlers on the roster right now that the fans clearly do not give a shit about, but you have to stand in awe at how much they clearly do not give a shit about Del Rio, who's actually pushed. Thank Christ they ended that MexAmerican gimmick with Colter, because that was about as awful as you could

Folks, Reigns lead the crowd in a "tater tots" chant. Imagine if someone you loved walked in on you watching Reigns lead the crowd in a "tater tots" chant. If they chose to leave you at that moment due entirely to thinking that you actually enjoyed what you were watching, I wouldn't blame them.

Does this seem painfully short, especially when compared to previous years?

Good call on Tyler the Creator's Cherry Bomb

No doubt, it's a great song. My favorite lyric from Electric Body, (excluding Schoolboy's "I'm get it so high I'm Christ" is probably Rock's "All I count is green numbers, all i wanna see is green faces".

i know he's not in movies, but can we throw in Howard Stern? Good lord, what happened? It's like he's the only man who looked at Phil Spector and said, "I'll have what he's having!" Also, I didn't know hair grew darker and curlier as you aged.

Jada Pinkett Smith in The Nutty Professor. Just hideous. Considering that she's standing right next to Eddie Murphy in latex, it's pretty amazing that you can still be distracted by her wig.

That's for later in the week!

* A$AP Rocky-At Long Last A$AP (standout track: "Electric Body (featuring Schoolboy Q)"
* Galantis-Pharmacy (Standout Track: "Runaway (U and I)")
* The Weeknd-Beauty Behind the Madness (Standout Track: "The Hills")
* Skrillex and Diplo Present Jack U (Standout Track: "To U (featuring Alunageorge)"

I think Krampus is super fascinating and I'm glad people are starting to pay attention to an interesting bit of pre-Christian, European folklore. But I have this dread feeling that we'll start seeing Krampus being utilized as a marketing ploy. Maybe I should amend that and say "we are seeing", because, as detailed

I just came here to say that "Pursuit of Happiness" is a pretty great song

Yikes. Apparently it was cancelled after just two episodes before the rest were burned off in the summer.