And it’s clearly not just trans people, clearly anyone who doesn’t fit a rigid, 1950s gender-binary can be harassed about their genitals.
And it’s clearly not just trans people, clearly anyone who doesn’t fit a rigid, 1950s gender-binary can be harassed about their genitals.
I am so glad to see a Congressional Caucus for Black Women and Girls. We are being forgotten as the boys and men are being fawned over and worried about, as usual. Even usually intelligent, liberal types will explain away why it’s ok to ignore Black girls with initiatives like My Brother’s Keeper. Yes, they need help.…
Read something you idiot.
Yes??? I’m pretty comfortable saying that rapists who rape women hate women. That doesn’t seem like much of a reach. It may not be the only motivation, but I'm pretty certain it's a factor at play.
You would have to hate women to rape a woman. Period.
Rockymountainrococo is not personally calling women stupid bitches, but rather, using the language of those who DO say (and think, and mean) such things, in order to make the point pointier.
Personally I don’t think it’s the only reason but the dehumanization of women is absolutely necessary to that crime, yeah. I’m not sure “hatred” is AT ALL the wrong word, even if that hate isn’t like, identifiable easily by the specific emotion of ‘anger’ in the moment.
Sometimes they rape women because they aren’t motivated by a deep seated desire to overpower women’s autonomy and dignity?
Yeah. It would really undermine “hate crime” as a legal concept if we applied laws criminalizing “hate crimes” to crimes committed by men against women due to men’s hatred of women - which is far, far, far too normal a criminal motivation. “Hate crime” is only meant to apply to felonies fueled by unpopular hatreds.
To the extent it prevents against this kind of juridical obtuseness, I say, yes, it would be helpful.