
Playing DS games on 3DS is far from ideal, especially games that feature gameplay on both screens like Contra 4. I never had hinge problems on my DSLite, but I do remember lots of people complaining so fair enough. DSi was, save the loss of the GBA slot, impeccable.

Library to library, battery life, system and game prices at release, form factor and portability: far from impossible to make a case.

I dunno man, I’m excited about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if single-player is essentially Punch-Out!, the developers mentioned it has a higher skill ceiling than it seems, and I love the character designs - Little Mac is about as generic as a protagonist can get.

Honestly, Nintendo makes a better underdog. NES, SNES (to a degree), Gamecube, Wii, and the DS (kinda) all came from a Nintendo decidely not on top. King Nintendo gave us the Game Boy Color, SNES CD-ROM, N64 (debatably a rough system to own despite it’s many masterpieces), Virtual Boy, 3DS, and WiiU.

DS > 3DS. It is known.

Also, to be honest, you mentioned Punch Out! and you’re sleeping on ARMS? How is this not exactly what you want?! It’s got so much to like for an old school gamer: remember Pro Wrestling and Mike Tysons’ Punch-Out, right? How many hours did your parents 50 bucks get you of entertainment and lifelong memories? You

I don’t know man. I think we lost that chance to show major publishers any sort of groundswell for those hallmark 8 and 16 bit franchises on Wii. Virtual Console and WiiWare are and old-school gamer paradise, and we failed to make developer and emulation efforts worthwhile. Castlevania, for example. Gamers

Devs are idiots. The utility of the Switch alone guarantees it surpasses the WiiU. This thing is not going to be 299.99 forever; it will likely have the next Pokemon and Animal Crossing; it’s going against the worst selling console (ever?)

I’m a Nintendo apologist bordering on fanboy and I gotta say: you crazy fam.

I don’t know how old you are, but if N64 was your only system, you were in dire straits. Gamecube was a perfectly good solo system for most of it’s lifetime.

Sounds like you want a Playstation 4. Lucky for you, I think they’ll be available March 3, 2017 as well.

Well, yes. That would the best thing that ever happened. To be fair though, Kid Icarus Uprising, Ultimate Ghouls & Ghosts, and the excellent Konami WiiWare Contra, Gradius, and Castlevania ‘rebirth’ games didn’t exactly set the world on fire.

We definitely disagree on what makes Nintendo great haha. But for real, specifically, what are these great classic franchises you grew up playing that aren’t being represented? F-Zero and Metroid?

Switch’s launch might be disappointing (Zelda BotW and online/portable pickup Bomberman in my hands in less than 2 months notwithstanding... somehow), but WiiU’s launch was pathetic. Mass Effect 3, followed by the Trilogy pack announcement really exemplifies it for me. Outside of ZombiiU I can’t think of anything

I don’t. I want that vibrancy, innovation, and rule of fun that still, somehow, only Nintendo is solely capable of doing with comfidence and intent consistently. Splatoon, ARMS, 1 2 Switch (in theory) - that post-Miyamoto garage style, that wild creative period from the early DS days: that’s what I’m about.

People like Coldplay and voting for the Nazis. You can’t trust people. - Super Hans

MSRP is 299.99

As long as Charlie Work is at 1, this is a 5 star list and you’re a 5 star man. I hope rest parks thoughtful discourse and reflection. I might’ve put Boggs higher for being the breakout episode if what I thought was a downward trajectory for a few seasons, and took my least favorite characters, Frank and Dennis,

A really great player does have to master the roster in a sense: you have to learn matchups. These kind of lower tier victories aren’t uncommon because 1) low tier = less popular, and less effort spent to learn the matchup, and 2) tiers are often wrong. Sure, they change over time, but then what’s the point if

Thank Christ. Anticipating a hook correctly only being dragged through the goddamn map and unceremoniously wasted just felt awful. I’d also slow down is heal enough to let more characters burn through it. Outplaying a Roadhog should including chasing him down to finish him off, right? Healing isn’t meant to be