
Not a Digimon fan but I wanted to support the grassroots campaign to get this game localized and it ended up being my favorite traditional JRPG in a long time. It’s really more like Shin Megami then Pokemon in a gameplay sense with the evolving and battle system, and sort of an SMT-lite with some darker story

Yes! The OST is amazing.

Something similar happened to me with Downwell. There is a way to reset licenses. Not sure the exaxt procedure but chexk out ps4 Downwell support forum and it’ll have the information.

Was just commenting on the PS4 community page how I wished this got some press. Just watch the trailer and imagine amazing control and feel and you’ll know if this is for you. The campaign is meaty enough to warrant purchase bucking the modern trend, and the online is very good if you can get even teams (bots fill in

I agree that the story is not very good, but I think it’s does something that elevates it over other open world games is that the narrative supports your undirected exploration of Mira. So many games have a main arc with a false sense of urgency that makes exploring their games content feel at odds with the narrative.

This guest editor is insufferable. Hipster nonsense. How long does she post for?

I watched the stream of her ‘proving herself’ last night. Her Zarya is frightening. Shame she had to go through this, but in the long run it should make her a stonger person I hope. Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but I think it was classy for those pros to actually quit after they said they would. I hope they apologised

Really? Do you have anything but schadenfreude for SFV? Your site covers none of it’s triumphs, only its stumbles. Combo Breaker 2016 was this weekend and was amazing from start to finish. The Ibuki trailer, while not much of a surprise, is really exciting. The redesign is slick (beside dem teeths), and people are