
Do you know who the gift the balloon came with was from? Also I SWEAR this was an old username made years before I read this story.

Cultural appropriation.

This is beyond irrepressible. But it is a pattern with people like Sandusky preying on poor kids. Actually I have an issue with any one who thinks they or their faith is so wonderful that it must be forced upon “ignorant peoples” in the first place . I understand it is your religion but wow how insecure. Often these

Wow the trailer has more dislikes than likes (when I checked) this morning. And all the vitriol. Maybe I should not be but I am amazed by the hating. I liked it as a cheesy fun movie.

Thank you. I was hitting refresh on the home page for the past hour waiting for this. Anyway....“Her face then returned to its human form and she rolled the stone back over the doorway into her office.”...hehehe

Thank you for pointing that out.