
That’s fine. I agree absolutely, unquestionably, without a doubt that it should be illegal.

Denial of abortion and forced FGM are both methods to restrict what a woman can do with her body and both ought to be fought. As for your question, it will most likely continue (even if it’s outlawed) because some communities, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, view their traditions as more legitimate than the rules of

My mother had it done to my two sisters (Allah spared the third one for she was born in Holland and those white folks warned my mother) in their bedroom. Hours of screaming that haunts me till this very day. It's savage.

Let me stop you there. Abortion is nothing like FGM. Abortions are usually elective procedures by adults (and sometimes teenage girls) provided in a sterilized and accommodating space. FGM is a tool to restrict the bodily dignity of young girls and is akin to foot binding. It is meant to take the joy out of sex for

The procedures aren’t parallel at all. Abortion is safe, optional, and purposeful. FGM is the exact opposite. The equation only works in the “if I can’t get this legally, I will just get it illegally and it will be a riskier procedure” sense, not if you think of whether it’s justified.

I’m not sure I agree with you on your abortion equation. I think that if parents are held accountable (along with those who perform the procedures) the procedure may fade away. Abortion is something women choose because they are not willing/able (for whatever reason) bring a pregnancy to term. FGM seems like it is

If the parents are immune from consequences, this will never stop.

That poor girl should not have had to go through this, and she should not have died. But here’s hoping that tragedies like hers will start to get more attention and condemnation and will be a catalyst for further change.

“This is part of the tragedy,” Abdel-Samee said. “May god give her the strength to overcome the passing of her daughter but this is another issue.

When I was a kid I had a hatred for Burnt Umber that was as strong as any hostility I have ever felt for a human.

Thank goodness because my poo is definitely not this color.

The color of uncooked wurst is the worst. Bratwurst Grey, get on it, Pantone.

One of my good friends would very much like to fight you right now, lol.

I side with Golden Girl Blanche I hate the color Magenta. And I love me some pinks and purples.

I don’t mind that brown. Chartreuse is, IMO, the worst. Oh look, a horrible pissy yellowgreen!

I don’t want to be That Person but it is showing up as camo green for me.

Nope. It’s a tie between these shades of orange and green aka The Color Of Everything In The 1970s

People are always amazed when I say that I don’t have a favorite color. I don’t. I love all colors. Including this poop green (which I’d actually describe as a dark Army green but w/e).

All colors are special.


I don’t know why she annoys me, but she does, but that being said, I’m happy her co-workers have her back. This makes me like her more.