Unpopular opinion: Let it crash. Fuck them.
Unpopular opinion: Let it crash. Fuck them.
If Disney and Netflix pull out of Atlanta, Georgia’s economy will basically collapse overnight. People ain’t buying peanuts anymore.
Bureaucracy and Self-Preservation is why police respond to stupid calls. I’m Black and from Detroit where you have to say someone has a gun to get police response. My 4th day as a 911 Operator in small, working class white suburb, a woman calls the 911 line screaming and sobbing incoherently. I kept asking questions…
But 9 times out of ten, you’ll probably admit it’s somebody white curled up on upholstered furniture or appropriating up two or three chairs before everyone has a seat or taking their shoes off in public - not Black! (Unless it’s a bus or Subway train, then it’s Black dudes manspreading!).
It’s amazing how little it takes to get Gawker Media commenters to support white supremacy.
The only thing the professor is teaching people is that she is a racist dingbat who wastes resources and the town is hiring garbage like those cops who came to take her out of class.
Everyone’s here wondering if the student’s feet were dirty and/or ashy, while I’m still here wondering why the campus police didn’t tell the professor to go fuck herself. This is on par with answering a house call to check for monsters under the bed. “You called us to do what? Because why? Are you for’serious?”
Daddy’s little fraud, she’s as fake as daddy’s ridiculous make-believe bio is. She is not a “businesswoman”, her daddy gave her a “company” to play with. She was never a “model”, her daddy pulled strings to help her pretend she was. She is not “poised” or “moderate”, she is actually contrived and artificial, nothing…
It blows my mind that men think “I have a good job and a car and a home and that makes me good marriage material.” Uh, no it doesn’t dude. You actually have to be an interesting person.
Marriage is declining because women don’t NEED men anymore. We don’t have to put up with the average/bad ones who treat everyone like shit (and vice-versa with men no longer needing women). We only need to get married when we find one we WANT who also WANTS us. And in my opinion, unless you’re rocking my world in bed,…
Let’s stop calling them “military contractors.” Erik Prince is the head of a MERCENARY organization that has ZERO accountability. How the hell did this shit become legal in the U.S.?