
So are they gonna let in David Alan Coe and Tompall Glaser, too? That would be cool. Waylon Jennings deserves to be in for his work with Buddy Holly and some other stuff.

Angry Birds, hosted by Joe Rogan. Contestants are flung via giant slingshot at makeshift houses full of spherical pigs.

Would a foot of smoldering ash be a good mulch? 'Cause I'd be covered in a foot of smoldering ash.

"It's gerrymandering, not Jerry Mathering."
"Oh. That's different, then. nevermind!"

They won't release the bill tomorrow, only some sort of talking-points summary (read: PR fluff). Denver 4 news even covered how ridiculous this sham is and how Cory Gardner is being a fuckweasel tool. (Not an exact quote.)

They wrote the demands on the back of Trump's tax returns, is why.

How did farmers date before the internet?

Should Willie be in the R&R HOF? I dunno, he's way country. Johnny Cash had rockabilly, at least. I love Willie, just don't think he's a rocker.

I'm sure Donnie Two-Scoops doesn't know this has to happen.

I thought the new paradigm was that roads were to be sold to foreign investors for use as tollways.

Yep. Still gotta get the Dem voters out, though. It's good news, sure, but a win would be energizing and prove that it can be done.

Fuck if I know. "Staffers" are writing it, supposedly. Whether they work for the Senate or the Kochs or lobbyists, I dunno.

Even the Senators who are on the repeal-and-replace committee, like Cory Gardner (CO-smarm) and Mike Lee (UT-R) don't know and haven't seen the bill. Think about that. They're supposedly on the team that is writing the legislation, but haven't seen it. Insane.

Ok, McCain will bitch about the bill then still vote for it, but I thought this was a good line:

Admit it…you played the bionic man sound effect in your head just now.

The America's Got Talent judges barely passed legendary circus comedy daredevil Bello Nock tonight. He's been doing the tall tower routine (usually much higher) for many many years and is damned good at it. So Bello barely makes it in, but the judges go apeshit over a dudebro doing a simple calculator "magic" trick.

Dems need to start winning at least some of these close elections. "Moral victory" is just another term for "lost."

Attorneys hiring attorneys.

I had no clue on FJ. Then I realized I had no clue on Measure for Measure. Remember to study your Shakespeare before going on J!, folks.

Would've loved it if Alex had said "No, we needed the full name: Elwyn Brooks White. Elwyn Brooks."