Stupid ones, too. Stars were to spotlight and divide people; masks are for everyone.
Stupid ones, too. Stars were to spotlight and divide people; masks are for everyone.
Here’s another one for your list. Hot off the presses.
I did really really enjoy playing as Bayek. He had a great story and I feel his loss and roaming aimlessness was a great fit for that kind of open world game. Still, that doesn’t change that it’s a friggin atrocity that it was supposed to be an Aya game mainly and it was shot down.
Never thought about the gay Alexios…
“While it sounds like the perfect setting for an Ubisoft-style open-world adventure, the report indicates then Ubisoft chief creative officer Serge Hascoët did not agree. Not a fan of the fantasy genre, Hascoët reportedly set a very high bar for the project, telling the team working on Avalon that it needed to be…
Yeah, but hiring someone with pretty impressive fantasy chops, presumably for the express purpose of making a fantasy game, and then undercutting that person at every turn is a pretty shitty way to run a company.
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
Worse - a society that *can* but chooses not to. The U.S. has fallen out of the first world by choice.
The very notion of a society that cannot feed its children is indictment, conviction, death sentence, and lethal injection to the notion that the United States is a civilised country.
In America, everyone does whatever they want. Society did break down. It’s terrible, and it’s great. You only look out for number one, scream at whoever disagrees with you. There are no bees because they all died, and if you need surgery, you just beg for money on the internet. It’s a perfect system.
Yep. This is exactly like when communities come together to pay for a person’s cancer treatment death. Good on the people who donated but fuck this entire system and particularly fuck anyone who defends it.
As a reminder, besides his sexual misconduct, Hascoët was also the shitheel who thought an AC: Odyssey with just Kassandra would be a failure (so they shoe-horned in the much more boring beefcake brother) and kept us from playing Aya for much of AC: Origins. Because again, feh, women, what are they good for? Le…
McCarter is thrilled that the event was such a success, but it’s bittersweet: After all, in a country as wealthy as the United States, a charity event like this really shouldn’t even be necessary.
Not a fan of the fantasy genre, Hascoët reportedly set a very high bar for the project, telling the team working on Avalon that it needed to be “better than Tolkien.”
Forget literary standard, it speaks to the rank hubris manifest in the gaming industry. Tolkien is a huge name to invoke in terms of the comparison of a project in gestation, in this case saying that Avalon had to be literally epoch defining. Like I said, hubris and unsurprising it came from a man later shown to be as…
It was probably just a way for him to make an impossible goal post so he had an excuse to cancel it for “quality reasons.” Not only is Hascoet a gross misogynist, he’s apparently a boring, incurious asshole. This is the equivalent of a man watching nothing but CBS cop shows
It’s wild to hear that one of the largest developers in the world gives so much creative control to a single individual - I’m not sure even Miyamoto has enough influence at Nintendo to unilaterally can a project just because he doesn’t like one aspect of it. From Jason’s article, it also sounds like this CCO was one…
Hascoët reportedly set a very high bar for the project, telling the team working on Avalon that it needed to be “better than Tolkien.”
I hate this man so much, I fear it’s unhealthy. I mean, I see his picture and it’s all I can do not to bare my teeth and hiss.
The jealousy aspect is hard for me to fathom. The reason someone is collecting benefits from UI, is *checks notes* because they lost their job. If you have not lost your job, it should be a goddamn relief at this point. I don’t begrudge anyone collecting unemployment, especially right now. The fact that some are…
But Republicans, naturally, want you to eat shit and die because social welfare is only for corporations and the rich and not for the rest of us plebes.