Ravenous Sophovore

My question is: can he actually do that?  I assume there’s something in the law that requires hospitals to report (otherwise they wouldn’t all do it, I’m sure), so can they just... change that by decree?

I felt like the Bad Batch were a boring set of cliche characters and couldn’t wait for that arc to be over.  Not feeling a lot of motivation to see more of them.

Controllers.  Such an amazing step up from joysticks or paddles.

No, I don’t see the dilemna. You use an ethnic slur in your bio or tweets, you should be suspended or banned. There’s no slippery slope there.

I didn’t say everyone hated him. I only said I did.

I’m concerned there didn’t seem to be a whole lot of stealth gameplay showed off, either during the event or in the after event.  I’m far less interested in epic boss fights than I am in the ability to sneak around and stab things.

For recruiting, of course. This tool is particularly aimed at young, impressionable minors that can join up out of high school.

Wait, I was wrong after all. His header pic calls someone a “zio”, an antisemitic slur. By Twitter’s own (incredibly stupidly narrow) policy here they should be banning him.

You also may not use your username, display name, or profile bio to engage in abusive behavior, such as targeted harassment or expressing hate towards a person, group, or protected category.

It’s probably the memory palace talked about in the article.

An edgy take about edgy takes.  Interesting.

Happy birthday (a little early)!

On God of War, I played it without ever having played the originals and I feel like I got it just fine. It’s enough like a reboot with enough exposition about what came before to stand on its own, IMO.

If you haven’t played it yet, this game is absolutely worth the time.  Heck, even if you have played it it’s worth the time.  Easily one of my favorite games ever made.

Donkey balls.

You can spread it long before you know you have it. There’s no way to know for sure if you’re contagious if you’re pre- or asymptomatic. So if people follow your “advice”, there are going to be sick people out spreading it to vulnerable people and people close to vulnerable people.

Kudos to the studio for acting immediately instead of dragging their feet hoping it will blow over.

I’m hoping Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla’s settlement building is as satisfying as sneaking around stabbing people.

Well, one, the people who tried to remove him were the organizers, not the ordinary people at the rally. Which could mean they disagreed with him, sure, but could also mean that they thought he was making the rally look bad on the news while still agreeing with what he was saying.