Ravenous Sophovore

I like that they’re doing historical fantasy RPGs, but I honestly wish they’d do both action-adventure stealth games with climbing puzzles and sprawling historical fantasy RPGs with choices and romance rather than turning one into the other.  I like both and want to play both.  Melding the two may help.

Even fully specced as an assassin you can’t one shot kill everything.  Heck, even the charged assassination attack doesn’t always do it.

There aren’t enough eyeroll gifs on the internet for this.

That’s possibly the most pathetic thing I have ever heard.

What the heck happened to make that guy so obsessed?  Sheesh.

I don’t eat fish and I really, really hate the taste of eggs. So that makes it harder.

Being the only vegetarian in the family is hard. My husband and son still eat and want meat, and my husband in particular is not wild about vegetarian dishes.

Worse, leopards are eating his voter’s faces.

Took a drastic turn in the characters? They are fictional characters created by them. If they decided they wanted them to sprout wings and turn into insects? Sure that would be CRAZY! But it is their story to tell how they want to tell it.

Can’t read and can’t write.  We got a winner here.

It was awful mechanically but it did a lot to develop Desmond as a character.  If the games had led to anything meaningful in his character arc I’d be more impressed, though.

The presence of the eagle suggests the more literal eagle vision is making a return.  

If you’re talking about AC: Chronicles, the first was set in China, not Japan.

I’m very fond of Syndicate, myself.

The irony of this post is delicious.


If it’s a bug, it’s one that’s been relatively common this gen.

How is this still a thing in modern games?  It’s just baffling that this somehow makes its way into a game’s design.  Especially an action game.

I had a very productive weekend. My live traps ended up catching not one but five mice over the weekend which all ended up dumped way the heck and gone in the national forest nearby. They get a fighting chance, but no chance to return. I also finished clearing out the old tile out of the family room and started