I love baking bread, especially experimenting with the more unusual flours. There’s something very satisfying about the whole process, from the initial sticky dough to kneading to the smell of it baking. Good luck with your loaf!
I love baking bread, especially experimenting with the more unusual flours. There’s something very satisfying about the whole process, from the initial sticky dough to kneading to the smell of it baking. Good luck with your loaf!
I’m low key freaking out about the pandemic thanks to having an immune deficiency disorder. Fortunately, I can work from home, but I still worry about myself and my mother who has her own health issues.
While this is true, this is a gaming blog. Whether or not Macy’s or Barnes and Noble is unprepared is sort of irrelevant. Whether or not the largest video game retailer is is.
Considering he endorsed not a birther, but the birther, for President, I think he should stop casting stones about “stupid rumors”.
You can get it free through either the publisher (Baen Books) or from Amazon for Kindle.
Let him know the first two are free if you get them as ebooks.
I just realized that ship is shaped like an IUD. I’m not sure I’ll be able to take the movie seriously ever again.
I think it’s a fine line to walk, but HBO has the money and prestige to find the right talent to make it work if and given those two’s previous work, I think they can pull it off. Especially given one was intimately involved in created the source material.
I think a lot of people miss this, but adaptations aren’t necessarily for the people who played the game. They’re for the (much, much) larger audience that watches TV and movies. If they can get some of the original fans on board, cool, but they’re after people who haven’t played the game more than them.
Honestly, this is one of those games would benefit more from a TV series adaptation than a movie adaptation. Those that have enough story content that they’d suffer for being condensed down to a 2 hour or so runtime.
Whether or not it’s a full game depends on your definition of a full game.
I know I worked sick with everything from influenza to norovirus when I worked in the food industry. No sick days allowed on pain of firing. Sucks for everyone I infected, but I needed that job.
My work is making arrangements for everyone to work from home. It’s quite a luxury to have that option, and quite a contrast from when I dragged my sick-as-hell ass to work in the food industry on pain of losing my job.
I’m still seeing them in raids today. So you’re still good.
Unfortunately, the US has a culture of “go to work sick”. It’s going to be hard to keep people home, particularly people with no paid sick leave and can’t afford to not get paid.
And yet the part I was responding to - him calling the guy a creep - has nothing to do with that part. Creep does not and never has meant “violent”. Saying someone is likely to be a creep does not in any way equal “video games cause violence”.
You accused me of linking video games to violence, which I did not do in any way, shape, or form. “Creep” does not mean violent. Words have meaning, no matter what you’d like them to mean to support your inane argument.
No one said anything about linking violent video games to violence. Not terribly good at reading comprehension, are we? Creep does not mean violent. Creep means someone who is creepy.
Honestly, “is a creep” and “makes (violent) video games” is a Venn diagram with some significant overlap.
Ah, the famed hipster hot take.