You didn’t write it was the same, you implied they were the same level of wrong.
You didn’t write it was the same, you implied they were the same level of wrong.
No? You clarified why the OP was equating veganism to anti-vaxxers, so I was responding to that clarification. I apologize if it sounded like I thought you were making the argument I was responding to, though.
This seems like blaming veganism when the problem is the parents. You can malnourish a child on literally any diet.
Are you really equating veganism with anti-vaxxers?
I wish I had a dollar for every time I found a method like this in code I maintained. Maybe a bonus 50 cents for when it’s not documented in any way or has single letter variable names.
My employer had 4 week paid maternity (not paternity, tho) leave when my youngest was born. I ended up having to take it before he was born, though, due to complications with the pregnancy, and had to go right back to work after I was out of the hospital. It really shouldn’t have come out of the same leave. I still…
Hey, thanks! I’m always looking for new reads.
I thought I was over it, but nope, still mad about the fridging of Kairi. It hurts, because I loved this series, but I still feel like I’m done.
Sora and Kairi face off against Xehanort together.
Radiant Historia was the spiritual successor to the Chrono games.
Imma guess it squeaks rather than moos.
They support it because the Prosperity Gospel/Just World Fallacy is really strong in American Christianity and the American right wing. If you’re poor or sick, it’s because of some failing on your part, and only you should be responsible for the consequences. They don’t want anyone to get anything they don’t…
Lots of reviews talk about the gameplay, but how is the writing? I can endure a lot of mediocre or even bad gameplay for a good story or character(s), but the reverse definitely isn’t true.
According to Chidi, that gets you sent to the Bad Place.
I am way too cynical to think this will do any good, but the idea that the President will see it while watching his favorite sycophants definitely tickles me.
Anyone branding themselves or their property with the “read the transcript” slogan is definitely engaging in excellent marketing. They’re telling everyone who can read that they’re a gullible idiot who 1) doesn’t know the difference between a transcript and a memo and 2) definitely didn’t read that memo. And there is…
I would have said lamprey. Parasites, all of them.
Not only that, but the game switches us to controlling Ellie at the end specifically so we can step back and evaluate Joel’s actions a little more objectively, and a lot less “in the moment”. It’s a brilliant use of game mechanics to reinforce storytelling.
I realize it’s now owned by Microsoft, but let’s not forget that Minecraft was an indie game and is arguably among the best known and most popular games ever made.
You missed the best part, where he insults the author’s imagination because he, personally, doesn’t find any of this weird. Apparently, his own imagination can’t conceive of people having different standards for the incredibly subjective concept “weird”. Ironic.