Ravenous Sophovore

One can only hope.

It’s the Satanic Temple that usually does this, not the Church of Satan, but yes, they need to step up.

No. Leather, sheepskin, and other skin/fur from meat animals is specifically excluded from the ban.

You know, that reminds me of a historical tour I took of my town once. Some of the older building have little plaques on them with the names of private fire departments. A few of them have two or even three of them with different names. Apparently, when the town was built, there was no public fire department and you

This is a pretty bizarre definition of socialist even for conservatives. Apparently being socialist means you can’t ever use a private business if a public option exists. Who knew?

I don’t know, anyone who had to touch Session deserves compensation for the trauma.

He seems to think that I’m arguing that Trump won’t get re-elected and/or shouldn’t have gotten elected, not that I’m objecting specifically to his assertion that any re-election would be by “a landslide”.  Can’t expect better from a semi-literate troll, I’m afraid.

Oh, he lost the popular vote, I guess that means he doesn’t get to be President.....

You think someone who lost the popular vote and whose approval rating has never been above 50% will win “in a landslide”?

I wonder if it has to do with protecting himself from a (real or imagined) threat? It could be argued that an “acting” Chief of Staff doesn’t have any real authority.

Oh, absolutely. “Resign and sign this legal document saying you won’t sue us or talk bad about us and you get severance, or be fired and blackballed from your field.”

The website is already built and funded. Very little, if anything, on the back end would need to change. This is all front end changes to accommodate a screen reader, probably in making sure that the reader is aware of when the text on the screen changes and making sure all images have appropriate alt text and the

1. The article outlines he fired 10 shots and indicates the 6 shots hit. So you know....math

1. That four of his shots missed, constituting reckless endangerment of everyone inside the store.

Me: Provides details that are not in this article.

The only impeachable offense Trump has committed was beating Hillary Clinton?

You say it’s not justified, but then you spend a much longer paragraph explaining how it is “understandable”. That tells me that you do, indeed, think that this was fine and this is the hill you want to die on. Bravo.

They don’t have to blow it in my face for it to cause problems. I just need an unexpected breath of it.

You earned this star, hair and square.