Ravenous Sophovore


Of course it’s all the stars.  It’s a stellar nursery!  :)

Excellent good faith argument. With a No True Scotsman even.

My boomer parents despise him with the weight of a stellar nursery.

Ah, yes, that was the exactly list I figured you were talking about. Once again, mostly not climate scientists and includes several non-scientists. Most of them have not published a single paper related to climate change, just said they disagree with it in some way. Further, if you look into them, many of them are

Sweetie, being a scientist doesn’t mean that you’re always correct. It especially doesn’t mean that you’re correct about things outside your field of study.

This is the same person who desperately wants to cut regulations on auto emissions, something California was actually leading the charge on reducing as a source of pollution.

Probably not. Wrong writing style; wrong shtick. Just a garden variety asshat who wandered in to spew hatred and uninformed opinions.

You know that one of the people who came up with Latinx is a Latina, right?

Should have taken the vehicle tool proficiency.

Even if she did take a plane, it doesn’t matter. It’s a red herring and tu quoquo logical fallacy. Even if she had a bigger carbon footprint than the entirety of New York City, it would have fuck all to do with the evidence.

Nah, you’re way too funny to be doing something else right now.

Wow, what a witty comeback.  Did you practice that in front of a mirror all day?  It may take me several whole nanoseconds to recover.

Great mastery of English, there, champ.

You mean that list of scientists that is mostly not climate scientists, and includes several non-scientists?

It says more about you than anyone else that you think identifying with someone on the spectrum is somehow a bad thing.

I don’t know what Fox is doing, but the regurgitated talking points seem to be:

Well, monster slimes in RPGs are kind of a time honored tradition. Trash bags less so.

Hi tomato.

What is your point?  You said you never saw Latinos using the word, I pointed out instances where they do.  I never said that all Latinos must be okay with it because some are.