Sure if you think going from 0% to 1% is all that different, then sure.
Sure if you think going from 0% to 1% is all that different, then sure.
Responds to citation showing Mexico is not offering asylum to all migrants with unsupported claim that Mexico is. Sets up a logical fallacy where the only option is Mexico changing, not us. Expects response to be taken seriously.
So we’re moving the goalposts to “it can’t happen” to “it’s unlikely to happen”, then? Cool, good to see you conceded, I guess?
I don’t see the profit in getting into a “who’s got a worse human rights record on migrants, the US or Mexico?” debate. However, the US is plenty fucking awful. Keep in mind, we:
A friend of mine managed to get all but 3 in Normal mode without using any guides, so it probably is possible in Normal. But it probably requires quite a bit of planning and no little grinding.
I’ve accepted that I’m not going to save everyone or get everything on my first playthrough, although I absolutely use a guide for figuring out who lost what or likes what gifts. It does help that I’ve already poached the three students I most wanted to (Ashe, Annette, and Petra).
The makeup of the Senate now is not necessarily the makeup of the Senate in two years, or for the 4-8 years after that. The makeup of the legislature is not static and is not guaranteed to remain with one majority or the other.
The State Department itself has said that migrants are not safe in Mexico where they are victims to threats, extortion, and violence by both government officials and criminal gangs. The Servicio Jusiuita a Migrantes reported that migrants are victims of a much higher level of robbery, rape, and kidnappings than the…
Currently is moot, because it couldn’t get past a Presidential veto anyway. But since the discussion is about Presidential hopefuls and their plans, the current makeup of the legislature is irrelevant. No one is talking about introducing a public option or Medicare for all tomorrow.
Cute, but depends on the makeup of the legislature at the time.
It’s pretty easy to understand: fear of the unknown and a whole lot of deliberate misinformation and fear mongering spread by political opponents to the idea, insurance companies, and certain parts of the healthcare industry. Our fucked up health care makes a lot of people a ton of money, and they are willing to spend…
Government control over healthcare is a nationalized system, which no one is talking about. Single payer doesn’t necessarily give the government control over healthcare. In the US, the only systems being discussed are those in which the government takes over as an (or the only) insurer, not that the government takes…
Unfortunately, my entry to this series was IV, which remains one of the few games I have never completed because I absolutely could not stand the idea of getting back on that damn slow ship for more random encounters.
Not even that.
Is anyone really surprised by this? We have literally had Presidents who owned slaves. Of course Trump isn’t the first racist President.
My biggest nitpick is:
Dorothea is bi.
My parents make really good money, but didn’t contribute a cent to my education. I couldn’t even qualify for financial aid loans until I got myself legally emancipated, let alone grants or scholarships.
Just sitting at work where I can only see two stops I got three Rocket invasions today. After work I found about ten just by going to a high stop concentration area. Much better than whatever happened on Monday and Tuesday when they were briefly released but impossible to find.
That’s a bug. Create a master league preset team and delete your lower level league teams. It’ll remove the CP limits.