
The HOA is gonna be super pissed about this.

Nah bro this is a coupe.

This is still tragic. I know he was a “bad guy”, but that doesn’t make this any less sad.

So an RS5 that looks like this:

Is there anythig more timeless than a 308 GTB? So perfectly styled.

Yesh. I think the car taking the video would have stopped in time. He would have been pissed about it, because he got cut off, but he would have stopped in time.


I like when people already comment exactly what I was going to say.

Good. Seriously fuck this guy and everybody like him. They actually slow traffic down because everybody needs to brake to let them in.

I’ll always remember her as Mr. F

I prefer the philosophical teachings of Montyous of Python who said “Life is just one big, dick joke”

To me it’s not depressing. It’s a reminder that cars are just a pile of parts screwed together, a product to be enjoyed and used. It’s mortal and transient, just like everything. I’ll die someday, and so shall these expensive cars. Then everything we know will turn to dust, but that doesn’t really matter, because we

I think he lies! There can’t possibly be that many Vectors in existence!

I’m not even going to watch the video. I just can’t. Oh God. My condolences to the father and the rest of the family.

How the hell did that van not end on its roof?

When one follows the mantra of “LS swap all the things” this is the inevitable conclusion. It is more glorious than I’ve ever imagined.

50 bucks says he still kicks something in the first episode

I find it funny that Jalops unanimously hate Lexus’ styling, and yet every non-Jalop I’ve asked unanimously loves it. I know you guys are weird and love diesel wagons, but damn, you guys are dead wrong on this.

Tab. They all drink Tab.