
Take away the modern day and ask yourself “What is connecting ALL of the games together?” Specifically the ones after Desmond. We’d end up with random jumps through time that have almost nothing to do with each other and the assassins we play as wouldn’t get any closure (Connor is a good example of this). The modern

Man who sends his money to charities is called a clueless idoit by his haters

You do know that he used to sell hotdogs for a living right? I can understand not liking him, but that kind of hate is unjustified

In the video he said that if he recieved an official noise complaint then he would’ve stopped recording in the kitchen. Instead he gets an angry neighbor that throws out homophobic slurs instead of actually telling him that he is too loud

You do know that he was joking right?

I agree 100%. Yeah she’s a bitch but I’m not gonna purposely get her killed because I don’t like her