This would have been some good red meat for old jezebel, but the writers, and especially the commenters, that are here now can’t handle this kind of stuff and go with it. Too busy kissing ass and being pollyannas.
This would have been some good red meat for old jezebel, but the writers, and especially the commenters, that are here now can’t handle this kind of stuff and go with it. Too busy kissing ass and being pollyannas.
Bring back OG Jezebel
Jez was BUILT on this and for this.
Yo FUCK John Mulaney and FUCK Olivia Munn. They’re pieces of shit who publicly danced on the grave of this woman’s marriage.
Good on her for taking the high road and living her best life.
I look forward the inevitable Jez article dissecting the remains of Mulaney…
I recently told my 40+ male colleague, who harassed me over the summer, to quit it and he got offended and blocked me on facebook. So, no, maturity does not come with age. At all.
THIS. She’s old enough now to have married had a couple kids, divorced... seen some REAL shit. And she’s still doing the “Dear Diary” nonsense. I confess, I can’t stand her voice, her lame lyrics, the absolute absence of any dynamic or flavor in her tunes. It’s a freakin Unhappy Meal. What happened to artists who sang…
A+ gif use.
Oh, get over yourself.
Those rice cakes you buy in a circular package. You left it open last night. Now there is nothing but a flavorless sensation on your tongue. If there was a flavor it evaporated. Even the crunch is gone.
Kanye did it better.
That and entitlement. I redacted my response, though.
I always find it a little uncomfortable when a song is about stepping out on an SO, and not even feeling a lil guilty about it. Writing a song about it in a romantic sense is creepy to me, but maybe i’m just weird.
So it’s a song about negging?
[Redacted: too much analysis wasted on this]
I literally have no doubt about that. Can’t go hunt down the link but you know she read that “Why Taylor Swift is a Feminist Nightmare” article every night before she went to sleep a few years ago.
This. She’s a walking punch line. She’s desperately trying to control the narrative, like Adele or Beyoncé, but she just doesn’t have the talent or charisma and makes herself look like even more of a joke in the process. This was not the video or song of a woman in control, it’s pure cringe.
Me too. The whole thing with her “calling out” her various personas made me want to run away and never come back.
This. She’s exhausting.
I don’t know why this whole thing she’s doing right now makes me full body cringe from second hand embarrassment. It’s just so tacky. At the end where she’s all ‘I want to be excluded from this narrative’ I outloud ‘Me too’. She’s definitely someone I would have just stopped answering the messages of irl.
She tires me ...