“the recent grad of Moody Bible Institute” is “serious about finding himself a woman,” but he’ll be keeping things PG until a special gal puts a ring on it. Renoe “says he’s still going to wait for his honeymoon to tear up his v-card.”
“the recent grad of Moody Bible Institute” is “serious about finding himself a woman,” but he’ll be keeping things PG until a special gal puts a ring on it. Renoe “says he’s still going to wait for his honeymoon to tear up his v-card.”
Someone is very good at reading articles.
Last year:
You know you can probably easily immigrate there right?
So you can drag people along the beach by yourself? As in out of the water on dry ground that are nearly 300lbs? The fear is that the bar will be lowered for the women. If they receive no special treatment and meet the same physical requirements (including hand combat with men) as the current soldiers I see no…
Women are held to an entirely different standard of physical fitness, google the APFT standards. A 19 year old woman isn’t even expected to meet the same standards a a 40 year old man.
The second quote appears to have been made up whole cloth by a Gawker editor because it certainly doesn’t show up in any of the cited…
I think you’re overestimating the ease with which you or anyone can pull 280 pounds of dead weight for any distance. That’s akin to dragging three bags of Portland cement or four bundles of asphalt shingles, and likely over uneven ground. Doing that quickly enough to not get yourself shot in the process? I’d need to…
“It’s easy.”
yeah, it’s not like they know more than a bunch of people commenting on a blog or anything.
We should care what they think because it directly impacts the “service” they provide.
Set phasers to DAMN, SIR.
It’s the Magnificent Mile, not the Miracle Mile.
Chicago needs a black mayor.
She kind of is, yes. I take back my statement.
This article is very meta.
Gawker Media writes approximately 39 articles about Trump every. Single. Hour. Seriously, yesterday at one point there were 8 articles, (zero exaggeration), on the front page dealing directly with him. Kind of disingenuous to criticize others for doing what you yourself are guilty of, no?
Legit question - can you be charged with a crime in Great Britain for what he said??
No offense, but I have to disagree with you here.