
Fun fact: if your neighbor borrows your lawnmower and never returns it then that is technically stealing.

Do you have trouble using laces? I think you should try velcro, friend.

Look at the dates and realize that it’s extremely pathetic

She is so damn lucky the selfie stick didn’t smack her or her dad in the head.

He’s rich as fuck. Maybe she gets her own nookie on the side?

I still don’t understand why they just didn’t make the entire movie using the cutscene graphics from War2. This just looks silly.

I think “being an asshole of a parent” is a safe assumption when all three children would rather go to jail than spend time with daddy.

Bill Cosby would like to offer you a drink

Please specify where you work so we can avoid hiring bad lawyers.


Wow, way to ramp up the sexism. I think women are perfectly capable of being feared and respected without requiring “coercion”. Shameful post. If it was a man, you wouldn’t have said anything.

I’d be Navi and yell in your ear all the time

It’s actually three different shades of RGB

Yeah, it’s only 99.99% effective. What a travesty.

Don’t respond to him. He’s either an idiot or a troll; a waste of time either way.

His point is nonsense though?

It’s really sad that Donald Trump is the most relevant celebrity in that list.

Wine is the only thing that I drink where I don’t care about the price. Sometimes a cheap one is great, sometimes it’s awful. Same with the expensive stuff. Wine seems to be the most variable of all the alcohols. Unlike liquor or beer, the quality does not tend to improve with cost.