A boat’s a boat, but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!
Imagine how terrible of a driver you have to be to 1) react to a biker kicking your car at highway speeds, 2) try to engage a retaliatory attempt to take the biker out, and 3) to then lose control of the vehicle over something that was so inconsequential and not worth reacting to.
Little known fact: this is how the Forester was born.
If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?
Now THAT is listening to your customers!
Listen, when you’re a parent it is your job to be as embarrassing to your kid as humanly possible. That’s just science.
They sell cheesecake. The place could be covered with black velvet Elvis posters and Thomas Kinkade paintings and I would still go there.
Isn’t this the type of individual that Ferrari SHOULD be selling the car to? He doesn’t seem like the type that is immediately going to hawk the car off for speculative purposes, and his willingness to put some mileage on his Ferrari collection means he is more likely to bring his cars in for authorized Ferrari…
Officer was clearly wrong here but overall it highlights a different issue. Too often these days (read: every single time) people either fail to yeild to emergency vehicles or just don’t give a damn. While I’m pulled off to the side, multiple asshats use it as an opportunity to pass everyone pulled over, never mind…
I blame Tesla for calling something “Autopilot” when it is in fact, just adaptive cruise control that keeps you centered in the selected lane.
High tops are about a million times more annoying to put on. Thank you, Kobe.
“Well James, he’s driven off a cliff and is now engulfed in flames”
Does that mean he’s not coming on then?
+1 (or -1)
Would the name of a quarterback who is simultaneously underqualified and overqualified for every NFL team be “Schrodinger’s Kaep”?
I am shocked, shocked I say!, that a profanity was uttered in a hockey locker room. Of all places! What’s this fucking world coming to?