
Why do you expect a carpool lane user to slow down on account of traffic that shouldn’t even be entering the lane at that point? That’s complete nonsense. Also the double lane switch is also illegal. That dude broke two laws just to get into the carpool lane. This is in no way the motorcyclist’s fault.

This times a million. I didn’t get help until I hit rock bottom and was confronted by family. Sometimes the person in trouble doesn’t realize it until it’s too late.

Hypothetically the other end of his contract involved the Lions winning so perhaps both sides are at fault here

Good. Fuck the Celtics and fuck Boston. Go, Lebron, go!

Lol, we were having work stoppages due to that fucking mouse at work once our building started having two dedicated shifts each day. I ended up bringing in my pc gaming mouse just to get work done (of course they didn’t appreciate that).

check out CSGO competitive if you think Overwatch is bad lol

I mean we can turn some planets into nature preserves? We definitely gotta seed as much life as possible. It’d be really cool if humans were the precursors to the rest of the galaxy’s future aliens!

This article makes no sense. If Peyton was a Jet his neck would have spontaneously combusted on day one. The Football Gods would never allow good things to happen to the Jets.

Don’t worry, eventually this show will turn into the TV version of “I have a black friend” and thus white people everywhere will eventually embrace Dear White People.

Usually for a burger, lol. But I am just one man! At any rate, it is also ensures the message is seen by the people who actually live in that area. I think it’s more effective than internet ads, at least. Who doesn’t block those these days?

When you’re stuck in traffic, billboards get stuck in your head because it’s all you see for miles.

Because it was the perfect troll. It’s wrong in exactly the right ways.

This would be best tool for my D&D campaign

I agree, former presidents are slaves and no longer have the same rights as other Americans.

This dumb shit is why I stick to the shows and movies. Those are dumb too but they are at least internally consistent. Marvel comics seems to just shake things up just for the hell of it.

Negative. That would mean 40 less games of murderous dunks, bad ass crossovers, and sick shots. You can’t deny that to the world. Think of the children!

My car’s greatest anti-theft feature is the broken trunk latch.

Sometimes you should say yes to life

Why did you write two separate articles when you could’ve just sent one tweet that said “lol eastern conference” ???

Sub instant coffee for the Doritos in that pbj and you got yourself a sandwich.