
It’s really funny to me that everyone at my undisclosed workplace always uses the obviously-not-a-direct-competitor Microsoft’s Word and Excel over Pages and Numbers unless we have to turn something in to a higher up.

I fucking hate this browser based app bullshit. What the fuck am I supposed to do on a network where I can’t use a browser? I literally need the app at work, fuck.

“This guy ran up and said: “Mark, I love Workplace!” (Facebook’s Slack competitor)“

I was about to scream “RACIST” but there are, in fact, many Jesus around San Jose.

It’s probably for the best. Going from C&C to Starcraft is like going from Candyland to chess. Some people just can’t handle it.

Interface choices are by design, actually. Blizzard made those decisions on purpose to perfect game balance. It’s also why certain bugs haven’t been patched out. If you enjoy competitive gaming, this is the one that will surely challenge you the most. I hope you like it! It’s been my favorite game for years and it’s

It’s an obvious false flag. Those wounded ants used chemicals on themselves!

I’m so angry reading this that I just put all my kids up for adoption just to avoid the chance this could happen to me.

Trump supporters use “I” just like anyone else does

Think of it like paying to go to a golf tournament then you audibly fart and shit during putting

Weird move by Blizzard. There’s a whole bunch of former WoW players (myself included) who would jump back in instantly if the story wasn’t dog shit.

Oh so because he’s a man we can’t treat him like Hillary? That’s fucked up, dude.

No, shot is fine. There are too few resources on this planet to waste them on idiots.

Occam’s Razor, dude. If you think everyone else is fucking up, it’s probably you.

“Are you 4/20 friendly” should be the first fuckin’ question dude

Whelp there goes my life

Every time I’ve ever volunteered for shit, we always ate right after we served everyone or hours before people started showing up. It’s probably the venue fucking up.

Get the Masterchief Collection. It’s actually really well done and it’s cool to go through all the coop with the roomie after all these years. Lots of nostalgia, man.

I watch Starcraft 2 regularly. It’s a game, just like football is a game. I just don’t think we need to act like these gladiator competitions are actually dignified. It’s just entertainment.

wrong article oops. pretend i deleted this.