Swimming With The Fishys

Yeah, but they’re still waiting for Thomas to dictate exactly when and where he will accept said video tribute. You know, like a perfectly normal non-douche.

I’m excited to see the Cavs tribute video for Thomas.

Can anyone else not see how many recs a comment gets, or is it just me?

Store owner being “fine” is a stretch. My parents own a gas station and they have insurance. That doesn’t mean everything gets replaced for free. There’s a deductible they have to meet, there’s an endless amount of work that needs to be done to clean the business, there’s going to be time where the business needs to

Hope there’s a follow up on how the store owners are coping. This could be pretty devastating to their business, no?

Cobb is like a mini version of the state itself- liberal city enclaves like Marietta and Smyrna in an otherwise red sea. I just took a look at the libraries slated for closing, not surprisingly they are all pretty much in the non-red sea areas.

The link doesn’t seem to be working.

The link doesn’t seem to be working.

But they also blew a 3-1 lead in the Finals.

Being in the NBA makes you the best in the world. Playing high level D-1, also the best in the world. 2% of college players play in the NBA.

That’s too bad. Honestly, I’d argue it’s way more accessible than a LOT of other Asian cuisine, since it’s emphasis on meat and sweet/spicy combos make it similar to some styles of BBQ. If you change your mind, get bulgogi; calling it akin to teriyaki does both a disservice.

Is Drew dead

Oh man, I was rooting for the Vikings to lose because I’m an angry Bears fan and was looking forward to the Drew Magary twitter meltdown, but now I’m reaaaally rooting against them, for the children.

Me too.

9 days in and we have the comment of the year.

This picture looks like Incognito is forcing Sir Patrick Stewart to give him a blowjob.

Now playing

Jaguars top fan remembers where she was...a couple minutes from the beach.

Nolan is pissed about the double standard.

Whatever this movie is gonna kick ass

merry christmas