Swimming With The Fishys

Bruh, Twitter isn’t winning shit except a popularity contest with a grand prize of zero profit.

Trump would pivot to being less batshit insane if he became President, too.

These layoff announcements are getting more and more sudden.

Given Storm’s history, give it a few hours and she’ll announce the death of her beloved colleague Todd Archer.

Do people still read Bill Simmons’ writing? Does he still even write?

Everybody should be Like Mike.

Officer: Do you understand what I’m asking you to do?

Wait for the Funbag.

Well, if he weren’t already rolling in the puss because of those fine salmon orange cargo shorts, he certainly will be now.

Wait until the Funbag.

What, and fuck it through the sheet? This isn’t some Orthodox Jew wedding night, I wanna see it all.

What about a ghost? How was this article not published as a ranking of supernatural creatures by propensity-to-bone?

Some guys throw out little insults as ways of flirting. Is it condescending? Yup. Is it sexist? Sure is. Childish? Of course.

Who cares! Write a non-Trump tech article please. Tired of seeing politics in my tech blogs. Or....better yet, go flip burgers somewhere, your writing is subpar at best. Not very compelling. It just sounds like your personal complaining board.

Is he a pederast, a racist, or a flat-earther? No? Then let him strike while the iron’s hot. Mazel tov.

I totally agree with this. I also can’t blame the guy for accepting every single offer thrown his way right as he retires.

I love reading about this stuff. Please keep making articles like this. :)

Hes lucky he got to go home cuz of the vampires in romania. People forget thats where dracula lives

It’s probably LaVar Ball you idiot