TE71 Xin

Thank you.  Better than the NY Times Obit. 

Remember back when we could star an article? Those were good times. Nice article, David.

CARB was created to regulate CA’s emissions. Other states signed on because they wanted to follow the same standards. Has nothing to do with CA wanting to control the country.

Front loading washer.

Want to close down loopholes? Instead of trucks, go after cruise ships and container vessels which register in countries who don’t give a crap about emissions. Ever wonder why all those cruise ships are registered in the Bahamas?

Sounds like they want the full long johns, and the shorter versions of fireproof undies aren’t OK. They make t-shirts and shorts out of the fireproof stuff, but if The Man wants the long versions, welp. Ya hosed.

Now playing

And then he went on to Drift Tap the cone at the finish.

I’m never gonna drive again
Guilty speeding’s got no rhythm
Though it’s easy to pretend
The cops, they ain’t no fools

Shoulda’ known better than to race a Benz
And waste the rental cars I’m given
So I’m never gonna drive again
Because I am a too-oooool....

Can’t forget that hes a huge driving force behind Speedhunters as well.

The other part that’s not covered in that video is that this dude is spending immense amounts of time giving back to the automotive photography community.

Do it yourself for cheaper. That things not coming back, none of you bought them.

*Said all the accountants.

Do you know why it’s gone? All you “enthusiasts” who ask me to bring these to the NA market and then buy a CVT Kia Soul instead because you suddenly remember you’re 39 years old 215lbs, make $65K a year and have a wife, 2 kids and a dog.

I really hope they bring it back as a crossover. 

If it fits I shits

Exactly, this isn’t a normal speculative auction. Not sure why everyone here feels the need to shit on this. 

Hear me out: Instead of paying the numerous billions of dollars and euros in fines for Dieselgate, what if VW would build a street legal version of the ID-R and sell it at the price of a Passat. Of course they’d lose a ton of money because building a Passat is probably way, way cheaper than building a Pikes Peak

No winged cars. Dumbest rule ever.