TE71 Xin

Each person has their own story of how they got stuck where they are, and not being able to afford a road-worthy car is probably a symptom not a problem. Maybe for her it wasn’t an option to not have a car. Maybe she had to drive to get to work, and it was either work and eat and rack up fines, or don’t work and don’t

Corporate cronyism =/= free market. Huge difference there.

Feds, please come to San Francisco and crack down on BART, home of the $300k salary janitor.

last time some one spat on me i headbutted him and knocked meself out

Well, that’s the thing: they’d like to but they don’t. In dealings with some mainland Chinese people, I’ve noticed a certain type who just thinks s/he can do whatever they want. I assume it’s because back in China they can. Once I was getting my driver’s license renewed and the Chinese man ahead of me was explaining

Chinese people are basically like one billion Florida Mans. I literally cannot imagine what they’re teaching them in schools.

Quit being a knob.

You obviously didn’t read the article. It can handle Overwatch at over 30fps with at 1080p on Ultra settings, that’s pretty good.

Grounded to the ground beef.

That’s why they are basically a third world country. Sell them....make money and get tax revenues from the new and legal buyers but heck that makes too much sense.

restore the mexico bulitt since it was basically stripped anyway. leave this one patina’d

Nope. This is a fitting story for this car. That Mustang was a working cop’s daily ride. It was a tool, a conveyance. The fact that the owner left it for his wife to daily is perfect. Cars age and degrade. Not all of them get restored. In a hypothetical story arc of this car’s fictional life, it would have been driven

The man was an absolute legend. Anything that could be done in motorsports he did. I don’t have many heros but Dan was one.

My Jeeps are art. They increase property values. Proven fact.

Nowhere in the article did I see the reason for raising the tanks. Perhaps it could be just for historical sake, but there could be another reason.

Not surprising they’re in OK shape considering the circumstances. Those things were built like tanks.

No, that’s a bad idea. If you point one of those at an old Jeep, it just stops existing.

nothing more expensive than cheap German muscle.

You’re mixing up 2012 with The Day After Tomorrow.