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I’m pretty sure this guy is peek douche.

More problems with subways, less people riding them. Less people riding subways, more people driving cars. More people driving cars, more problems with roads. More problems with roads, less hooning.

SMART. Those will never need new tires, ever.

But where are my Oldsmobile Cutlasses? And my old Ford Pickups? And my Impalas? Delta 88s? They sold a crapton more those than ‘Vettes or Camaros.

We might think this is a silly tradition, but really what she was doing was weakening the plane enough that she could kill it and make a soup out of it to gain its power of flight.

I’ll save you the trouble of finding the mugshot...

Even though I live in a small town, I lock my car while filling gas tank.

Pacer Owning Sister?

JDM Roadkill—that’s good.

If you were out next to the river taking pictures when you saw Cuomo and de Blasio both being swept away by floodwaters, and you could only save one of them, would you use f2.8 to isolate their faces or f16 to maximize depth of field?

If you are referring to the miles of altitude versus distance - they are distinct things. Distance is measured by the distance from the landing location to the launch site.

We’re all technically Trumps boss, and he undermines a lot of us every day.

Just more proof that Trump isnt the amazing business leaderso many people give him credit for. Ive said for a long time that starting with a bunch of money and dealing in Real Estate speculation doesnt make you a business virtuoso it usually just means you have good timing (or often not, based on all the

That’s exactly what someone deep into this would say.

They took his home his kids and his land for worthless beads? No? Then you have no idea what you are talking about.


A car show with too much car content? I guess you should watch something else then.

I actually felt it was a bit more Top Geary than the latest season of Top Gear with Clarkson and co.

I really loved it !