TE71 Xin

He looks like a turtle lustfully eyeing a tasty leaf.

...said the person who has no idea what my career is, or what the availability of jobs I am qualified to do is, or where they are...

The people who work night shifts that can not take the bus like EMT’s, doctors, nurses, police, bartenders, IT people on call, etc.

Intentional Spelling...

LoL! I have seen that at at least 50 trade shows. It happens when the vendor’s booth shipment gets lost... I feel really bad for him.

A Dakar lorry or King of Hammers trunk wouldn’t make it 10 feet in to one of these holes. Completely different set of challenges involved in each.

I’m not. At least not like talented like the guys that compete regularly in ROC which are from F1, WRC, NASCAR, INDY CAR, etc. But thats the point of this contest. They’re letting the internet give an underdog a chance to compete with their heroes they normally only see on tv. I think its a bit insane, but also

Are you required to order in Ronspeak?

There are some logistical issues here too - based on their route out, it might have been difficult to tow it out without brakes on the van. You are being unnecessarily critical here, perhaps just because you don’t value the adventure and have a distain for self-promotion related to their business. Also, what is life

This is basically showing off the culture there to young Chinese. There’s a real “company man” work ethic over there that is sort of scary to a Westerner but is frankly no different than what you see in a lot of East Coast finance and really hard charging Silicon Valley companies. Remember, Google provides all those

I am not a lawyer and haven’t read the court case but, how can a court award a guys entire business and personal assets like that? I can certainly see monetary damages of a significant amount which may force him to liquidize his assets but this seems odd to me.

Hot take: Nobody lost or won anything. It was a barely disguised excuse for them to get together and do burnouts and shit in a parking lot, and they say as much on one of the Extra videos they put up on MToD.

I, for one, vote for Dacia branding

How do you know if a car buyer is lost?

Faraday Future

Great. First there was drunk, and now super drunk. Next there will be hyper drunk, e-drunk, and finally autonomous drunk. When does it end?!?

You notice them, which is the point.