TE71 Xin

You mean like this, but a 400, right?

No idea. I was too far away. Could barely make out the lines. This is the Zonda, right?

Now playing

CORNERS ARE A SOCIALIST PLOT, SON. You know where they got corners? EUROPE. No God-fearin’ American needs those damn Yuppie Euro scum, anyway. Now shut your piehole and finish this 12-pack of Shiner, boy.

Hell, I always wanted to be a gastronomer.

Excellent article, and thanks for the shout-out.

Not putting miles on your Ferrari is like not having sex with your Girl Friend so she’ll be more desirable to her next Boy Friend.

It went “full hoverboard.”

I bought an abandoned 1966 Mustang by contacting the lot owner. A professor at UVA had died, and just left the car sitting near campus.

Russia could have a tug boat tow the rocket to within 500 yards, no doubt. China could buy a tug boat from Russia with the promise of turning it into a floating casino and then use it to tow a rocket to within 350 yards so long as Russia will sell China an engine for their new knockoff tugboat.

1. We cover anything that moves (see: trains)

I just watched the last episode of Top Gear (season 22, episode 7) for the first time, and it made me sad that that’s where they ended, because it seems they realized they had jumped the shark a bit and were en route to bringing it back around. Episodes 6 and 7, the “final episodes,” of the show’s run, were really

I usually start by doing my homework and researching common issues. When I get to the car, I make sure the panels are lined up correctly and if there’s rust in weird places. If the car runs, take it for a test drive. If not, plan on replacing everything anyway.

Indeed :] And, our own blog in the kinjaverse

It already has bitten them — they drive a first-generation Rogue.

And likely killed the very next day to be sold and made into some ancient remedy to fend off effects of aging.